Title Page- title of paper, class (HLC 160), instructor (First name: Jen Last name: Ezbon), Date, My name: Carlo Yap.
Introduction: Brief introduction of the subject of your paper. Tells what it will be about, captures readers attention, tells why is it interest for you.
Body of paper: organized presentasion of your data, clear, include description of the disease, its cause(s), signs and symptoms, how its diagnosed and treated, and its prognosis.
Currency: demonstrated by current references (2008-2016) and currency in the body of the report.
Conclusion: summary statement. Relate to the introduction but not the same as the introduction.
Footnotes: 5 Parenthical reference.
Refrences: Works cited. Use APA Style guide for example and style of Works Cited page.
Use 6 refrences, with at least 2 current (2008-2016) periodicals, 4 Web site using internet, and others such as books.
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