Advocating for patients
When treating a patient with a suspicious injury or illness, what is the level of responsibility a nurse has in advocating for that patient? What if there is the possibility of substance abuse or domestic violence? How would these factors affect the patient’s treatment? What are the ethical dilemmas apparent in dealing with patient’s suffering from more than just illness? How would you handle the situation? Please answer the following:
- What are some ways in which nurses in your work setting (I am a psych nurse) could fulfill their legal and ethical responsibility to advocate for patients with suspicious injuries or illnesses?
- What are the major challenges to nurses meeting that responsibility, and what are some strategies that BSN nurses could use to help their colleagues overcome those challenges?
Advocating for patients
Nurses have a legal as well as ethical accountability to report suspected situation of domestic aggression these are the techniques in which nurses in your work setting might fulfill their legal and ethical accountability to advocate for patients through suspicious injuries and also, illnesses. Because abuse can take numerous ugly forms, numerous of which are easier towards spot than others. Mainly, Nurses “must report recognized or observed instances of mistreatment to the suitable authorities.”
The major challenges towards nurses meeting that accountability, like as Nurses are already stretched as well thin to contain staffing issues. But patients still have requirements as well as expectations. Unluckily, meeting these is hard. This is particularly true as healthcare situation become more chronic, as well as the number of workers decreases. It is simple to expand a close connection with our patients. When that long-suffering struggles and also, even dies, we sense their pain, and we sense that loss. So preserving a healthy, expert relationship with the long-suffering is a must. [SUE14]
Some strategies that BSN nurses might use to assist their colleagues defeat those challenges like as Allow complete-time benefits for nurses who require decreasing effort status to part-instance to complete BSN assisted identify barriers as well as incentives, thereby assisting leadership to believe possible strategies towards support nurses pursuing their main degree. Institutional strategies suggested for rising BSN completion rates were superior access to education as well as financial support facilitated with collaboration among hospitals and scholarly institutions. Allow full-time profits for nurses who require decreasing work position to part-time to entire BSN [SUE14]
MONTGOMERY, S. (2014).Domestic Violence Reporting for Nurses. Retrieved from working nurse:
nursing center. (2014). BSN Completion Barriers, Challenges, . Retrieved from nursing center.: