activity allows students with an opportunity to reflect on published nurse leader stories and compare/contrast those experiences with their own experiences or those of their preceptor or those they have observed during their practicum courses Dissertation Essay Help

Reflection Papers –10%
This learning activity allows students with an opportunity to reflect on published nurse leader stories and compare/contrast those experiences with their own experiences or those of their preceptor or those they have observed during their practicum courses.
Each student will complete a Reflection papers based on the assigned “Nurse Leader Stories from the Field” published in the Studer Nurse Leader Handbook as listed below.

Reflection Paper # 1:
“The Journey is Never Complete” pp 355-366 and “Fostering a Successful Staff” pp 361-364.

For each paper:
o Read the assigned leader stories above
o Reflect upon the story and compare it to content you have learned and experiences you have had in this program (not just this course)
o Write a 3 to 5- page narrative reflection about the leader stories. Your reflections should include, but are not limited to:
 Does this story seem realistic?
 Does this leader discuss any principles, concepts, or experiences of leadership that you have encountered during this program? And if so, how?
 How does this leader story align or contrast with your own personal leadership theory as identified in your leadership paper from the NUR 6117 fall semester course?
 How does this leader story compare to the “lessons learned” you gathered from your preceptor interview during the first practicum course (fall semester)?
o Use references as needed (be sure and “self-reference” if appropriate)
o Professional writing is expected (Grammar, Writing Style, APA, etc.–see grading rubric)
o Submit to the TurnItin Draft Dropbox. You must allow a minimum of 24 hours to get the reports. Use the reports to make edits/revisions to your paper prior to submitting the final paper for grading.
o Paper will be submitted to Dropbox for faculty grading (see Assignment Due Dates and Rubrics)

Required Textbooks
The Studer Group. (2010). The nurse leader handbook: The art and science of nurse leadership. Gulf Breeze, FL: Fire Starter Publishing.

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