A Sustainable Business Scenario in 2060 Academic Essay

You will need to examine the national need for sustainable development and the current mind-set about its benefits and challenges. Based on research into current geo-political, socio-economic, legal and environmental factors affecting the nation; the industry; or the business; you should select the major challenges in terms of environmental risks and socio-political issues that pose a direct risk to the Industry/company and its community. In addition, you should research existing industry standards and country /government laws and regulations to understand how these affect business decisions in terms of sustainability going forward. This will be the baseline from which your 2060 scenario must be linked.

Starting from what you have established from your research into the current Industry/company sustainability situation you will research emerging and future trends related to the business sector you have chosen, (see peSTLE factors) as well as the predictions and future visions for 2050/2060 from the EU, UN and several organisations. In addition you need to highlight which environmental factors will impact your business/ industry sector the most such as: fresh water shortage, waste, land-use, climate change, pollution and bio-diversity loss. This will serve as a backdrop for your futures scenario. Key milestones between now and 2060 must be highlighted from your analysis of your projection to form a ‘timeline’. Ask what if? Using ‘blue-sky’ thinking means daring to imagine what the world would be like in the future.

Building upon the initial research (current business context and futures trends) you must project the sustainability challenges into the future – year 2060. There will be several possible futures, but you must select and develop one scenario for your chosen industry/business that is plausible but also allows your industry/business to be ‘innovative’.

Secondly you should describe, again using ‘blue sky’ thinking, how your future industry/business is operating and creating competitive advantage by addressing the difficult environmental and social challenges of that time in terms of innovative technologies and business models, etc. Your projected solution should focus around the technical, social and environmental.

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