Sample Lesson Plan
Subject: Science Topic: Asthma Date:
Time | Step | Activities | Materials | Resources |
10 min | Introduction | Teacher tells the children that they are going to listen to a song that explains what Asthma is. Teacher plays the video song as they listen and watch. | compact disc | K to Grade 2. Health problems series |
10min | Explicit Instruction | Teacher explains what asthma is while explaining the body parts it affects as shown in the video. Teacher describes symptoms of asthma and its causes. Teacher displays a chart with causes and symptoms of asthma. | A wall chart Teacher’s Notes | K to Grade 2. Health problems series P 5. |
15min | Guided Practice | Teacher asks learners to trace and label the affected body parts. Teacher displays the outline and reviews the affected body parts with the learners. | A wall chart Teacher’s Notes | K to Grade 2. Health problems series P 7. |
20mins | Independent Working Time | Learners pair up and discuss the affected body parts and its causes while trying to illustrate the symptoms by breathing in and out. Learners who require OT, PT and speech therapy are asked to work together as the teacher sits next to them and helps where necessary. | Pair work | Integrating therapy into the classroom P 5. |
10min | Differentiation | Teacher goes round the classroom helping learners with difficulty in understanding. Teacher gave special needs learners an example of a homophone and explained the difference in meaning. | Class plenary | |
5min | Conclusion | Teacher gives the learners a body worksheet and asks them to label the parts that asthma affects and collects for reviews. The special needs learners are given extra time to complete. | Worksheet | Integrating therapy into the classroom P 10. |
Physical therapy skills | Occupational therapy skills | ELLs | See it and speech |
Learners were given a chart to look at and write for hand-coordination skills. | Teacher sat next to the students to ensure that they can grasp and control the pencil(fine motor skills) | Emphasis was given on the meaning of vocabularies that the teacher came across. The word ‘Asthma’ was also explained as a vocabulary. | A video was used A homonym example was given and discussed. |
Charner & Clark (2008). The Giant Encyclopedia of Lesson Plans. Gryphon House.
K to Grade 2. (2016) Kids Health. The Nermous Foundation.
McWilliam & Scott (2001). Integrating Therapy into the Classroom. Individualizing Inclusion in Childcare, 7-15.