Wealth distribution is directly related to politics. (Rowbottom, 2010). Individuals can be classified as either making wealth or taking wealth, although everyone does a little bit of both. A good example can be an individual who is a manufacturer but still enjoys subsidies from the government. The distribution of wealth affects how wealth is distributed and the public policies that are formulated. This is a result of the adjudication of public policies based on how powerful a given interest group is and its ability to lobby,, as opposed to how ethical and efficient a policy is.
While it is difficult to measure the actual effect of politics on wealth distribution or lack thereof, there is enough evidence to show that measures of wealth such as the number of jobs created and the average income of households have been decreasing with time. This can be interpreted to mean that those involved in politics are not interested in the equitable creation and distribution of wealth and ensuring that the citizens are prosperous. Further evidence of this can be seen by looking at patterns of wealth distribution in the country. Seven-tenths of the wealthiest countries in the nation are found in close proximity to Washington, DC. This is related to politics in that a high number of individuals with a good education live near the capital and earn their living by being able to influence, lobby, or offer advice to the federal government. This is talent being drained from the rest of the country, and while government policies being formulated have improved, there has been no positive change in how wealth is distributed. Higher per capita income in areas surrounding the capital ensures that there are higher living standards. The lack of affordable housing means that only the wealthy can live in these areas. Individuals who earn a living through lobbying or influencing government policies are expected to display affluence, which aids their work. When lobbyists have such great influence in affecting government policies, it becomes unfair for individuals at the bottom of the wealth distribution chain. They have no avenue to lobby or have their voices heard. The result is that the wealthier, by virtue of their ability to lobby, keep getting wealthier while the low income households remain as they were.
The distribution of wealth is important to individuals who subscribe to the religious tradition that everything that is written in the Bible will come to pass and that the Bible provides solutions to the daily issues that plague mankind. Individuals who believe in this religious tradition find themselves investing more conservatively. An individual who invests conservatively may have difficulties when it comes to advancing financially. Believers in this tradition are also very likely to invest minimum amounts and settle for investments that carry low risks and consequently result in low returns. This contributes to reduced wealth. The effect of this religious tradition becomes more evident when wealth distribution is assessed in stages. Individuals at the bottom of the wealth distribution chain are less likely to be affected by this tradition. Their situation can be easily improved through initiatives that improve their access to quality key amenities such as those for education and health. Individuals at the middle and at the top of the wealth distribution chain have easy access to key social amenities but the disparities in their wealth distribution keep increasing as a result of this religious tradition. The overall wealth of the individuals who invest conservatively is less when compared to that of other individuals. This religious tradition offers an insight into the differences in distribution of wealth.
This religious tradition can also be used to improve wealth distribution. Education is one of the main determinants in levels of wealth and its distribution. The Bible advocates for individuals to be educated and knowledgeable. Highly educated individuals are more religious given that several of the beliefs in religion can neither be proven nor disproven. A highly educated individual is capable of reasoning speculatively and in an abstract manner. Such individuals are thus often attracted to religion. Religion can also be used as a source of motivation that pushes individuals to work harder and to cultivate desirable virtues. This religious tradition also has an effect on the life expectancy individuals expect. When young people become active participants in religion, they are less likely to abuse drugs and other substances as well as becoming juvenile delinquents. Individuals who adhere to the Bible literally are more likely to be healthy and well. These religious beliefs lower the number of individuals who are depressed. Individuals also cultivate positive perceptions of marriages and children. They also learn to shun sex before marriage and cohabiting. In the long-term, all these factors have a positive effect on the distribution of wealth. (Keister, 2011).
This religious tradition can also help improve wealth distribution by choosing and electing leaders who subscribe to it. Such leaders, especially if aware of this social issue, are going to work to remedy this situation. This is possible through enacting public policies and carrying out reforms that ensure the resources in the country are distributed fairly and equitably. Such leaders, influenced by religion, are also more likely to shun lobbyists who push for laws to be passed that benefit a particular interest group at the expense of other citizens.
Keister, L. A. (2011). Faith and Money: How religion contributes to wealth and poverty. Cambridge University Press.
Rowbottom, J. (2010). Democracy Distorted: Wealth, influence and democratic politics. Cambridge University Press.