Assignment Overview
For this assignment, you will create a chart to summarize and respond to chapters of Philosophy for Dummies. This chart will assist you in better understanding the material by practicing discriminatory and critical thinking.
Assignment Instructions
Read Philosophy for Dummies, by Morris
Chapter 4: Belief, Truth, and Knowledge
Chapter 5: The Challenge of Skepticism
Chapter 6: The Amazing Reality Basic Beliefs
Summarize chapters 4, 5 and 6 by constructing a two column table for each chapter (one page per chapter).
The left-hand column should be a summary of chapters 4, 5, and 6.
The summaries should include Morris’s main points, support for main points (in the form of citations) from the text, and Morris’s position on what he is writing about.
The right-hand column is your response to the chapter.
Your responses are to include at least two citations from other sources that support your comments.
Responses are to include passages you don’t understand for which you would like further clarification.
Assignment Requirements
3-page paper (not including cover page and references)
6 references (Two for each chapter; two references from other sources)
APA style formatting (Title page, in-text citation, reference page)
Sample Solution
Chapter 4 Summary: Belief, Truth and Knowledge
Your beliefs are your map of reality. They guide you through the day” (Morris, T. (1999).Morris believes in belief being the foundation of our lives. He explains how our beliefs are what make us who we are as a person. “Many philosophers have analyzed human action as a natural consequence of our beliefs interacting with our actions”(Morris, T. (1999). Having the right beliefs contributes to how we live our everyday lives. Morris also explains how we have false beliefs and how those contribute as well. “The philosophy of relativism claims that all so called truths is relative, that there really is no absolute truth”(Morris, T. (1999).Lastly, Morris describes knowledge to be, “nothing more or less than properly justified true belief”, which means that we are able to obtain knowledge of certain truths and from our beliefs because it is what we have learned to believe is true.
My Response
I agree completely with Morris. Our beliefs are who we are and what we are made up of within our minds and hearts. I believe that “belief” is essential and shapes us into who we are. “The general idea behind the belief condition is that you can only know what you believe. Failing to believe something precludes knowing it”(Ichikawa, Jonathan Jenkins and Steup, Matthias, 2018). Once we obtain the knowledge to find the truth in ourselves or in any life obstacles then we have the power to believe that we are intelligent enough to create our lives with our own truths and knowledge.