Marketing Research questions
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Marketing Research
1) If we were measuring age, income, height, number of bottles purchased, and so on, we would be measuring:
A) objective properties
B) subjective properties
C) objective objects
D) subjective objects
E) objective subjects
2) Which of the following best illustrates the concept of reliability of measurement?
A) the tendency to respond in the same manner to different questions
B) the ability of the measurement to elicit an identical or very similar response from the same person with successive administrations
C) the ability to repeat the same response time and again to different questions
D) a measure that is truthful
E) a measurement that is relative to what actually is
3) Rick Irizarry of Irizarry Insurance Company is conducting a survey of potential customers. One of his questions asks how much customers would be willing to pay in annual premium for a $100,000 life
insurance policy.
Check appropriate category:
___ $1 to $10 month
___ $11 to $20 month
___ $21 to $30 month
___ $31 to $40 month
___ $41 to $50 month Rick should consider the level of the measurement scale to be:
A) nominal
B) ordinal
C) interval
D) ratio
E) none of the above
Marketing Research
4) Erik Cartman just took a new position with Colorado Research, Inc. Erik’s first customer, the president of a local bank, wanted a bank image study to be conducted measuring not only the client’s banks’ image, but that of his competitors as well. In designing the research project, Erik talked to several of his friends one night about how they viewed their banks. Erik charged the client for this and billed it as “Exploratory Research NFocus Group.” The next day Erik tried to remember most of what his friends had told him. Some of the issues were “closeness to home” of branch locations, “cool online banking,” and “friendly tellers.” Erik took these issues, made up some of his own and put them into a semantic differential scale format. After the research study, Erik wrote a report and referred to the semantic differential scale he devised as a “Standard Marketing Research Scale to Measure the Construct of Bank Image.” What Erik did was:
A) correct; he used exploratory research to generate most of the items for his measurement of bank image
B) correct; although he used some of his own opinions, they were based upon experience and he did make use of a focus group
C) incorrect; the measurement of bank image was incorrect as bank image should be measured only by using Likert scales
D) incorrect; we do not know if the scale Mr. Cartman devised was valid or reliable, but he was unethical in presenting the measurement as “standard marketing research”
E) correct; Erik saved considerable time and money by creating his own measurement of the construct
5) In terms of developing questions, your text identified several “should” of question wording. Which of the following is NOT a “should”?
A) The question should be focused on a single issue or topic.
B) The question should be brief.
C) The question should attempt to cover as many topics as possible in order to reduce the questionnaire’s length.
D) The question should be grammatically simple.
E) The questions should be crystal clear.
6) Which is the best interpretation of question bias?
A) the ability of a question’s wording or format to influence respondents’ answers
B) the ability of a question’s wording to change a research project’s objectives
C) questions being developed that have neither neutral nor positive positions
D) when a respondent is biased against a particular question
E) when a respondent is biased against a certain type of scale
Marketing Research
7) Which of the following is NOT a leading question?
A) As a Cadillac owner, you are satisfied with your car, aren’t you?
B) Have you heard about the satellite radio system everyone is talking about?
C) Don’t you see any problems with usingyour credit card for online purchases?
D) Wouldn’t you like to purchase one of the new video games?
E) Do you see any problems with carrying cash while on vacation?
8) The question: “Because the Founding Fathers of the United States provided citizens the right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights, shouldn’t you be against gun control legislation?” is:
A) a loaded question
B) a question that will trigger confusion
C) a double-barreled question
D) appropriate if you are “for” gun control legislation
E) appropriate if you are “against” gun control legislation
9) Which of the following is an overstated question?
A) How much would you pay for sunglasses that will protect your eyes? B) How much would you pay for shoes with a cushioning gel in them?
C) How much would you pay for a child’s swimsuit that had a built-in flotation device?
D) How much do you think you would pay for a car with features that would save your life and possibly the lives of your family members, if you were in a car accident?
E) How much would you pay for a PDA that also provided Internet access?
10) “Are you satisfied with the restaurant’s food and service?” is an example of what kind of question?
A) double-barreled
B) overstated
C) leading
D) loaded
E) focused
11) Questionnaire organization refers to:
A) the way questionnaires are organized in a filing system
B) the sequence of statements and
questions that make up a questionnaire
C) organizations whose main job is to construct questionnaires
D) determining if the question looks right
E) the clarity of a question
Marketing Research
12) The major reason to disguise a survey is: A) to encourage response; if respondents don’t think they are participating in a survey they are more likely to participate
B) dependent upon the research
objectives; the identity of the sponsor may bias the results
C) that it takes time and respondents do not care
D) to violate the “Do not call” rule
E) to avoid providing incentives
13) Which of the following is NOT included in the introduction part of the questionnaire?
A) identification of the sponsor/researcher
B) the purpose of the survey
C) explanation of how the respondent was selected
D) demographic questions
E) request for participation
14) Screening questions are used to:
A) increase reliability by screening out respondents with inconsistent answers
B) shield the true purpose of a question from a respondent
C) determine whether or not a potential respondent qualifies to take part in a survey based on certain selection criteria the researcher has deemed essential
D) increase response rates by screening out unlikely respondents
E) ensure that certain results will be achieved by choosing your respondents
Marketing Research
15) Classification questions are:
A) usually put in the middle of the questionnaire and are used to classify respondents into various groups for purposes of analysis
B) usually put at the beginning of the questionnaire and are used to classify respondents into various groups for purposes of analysis
C) usually put at the end of the questionnaire and are used to classify respondents into various groups for purposes of analysis
D) usually put at the end of the questionnaire and are used to classify the questions themselves, so that report writing is made easier after data collection and analysis are complete
E) usually put at the beginning of the questionnaire and are used to classify the questions themselves, so that report writing is made easier after data collection and analysis are complete
16) Which of the following is most accurate regarding the pretest of the questionnaire?
A) The client should always be present for the pretest.
B) At least five pretests should be conducted.
C) The pretest should be conducted on a small sample.
D) The pretest should be conducted on a small and representative sample.
E) As many respondents as possible should be used in a pretest.
17) The research design includes randomly surveying consumers who are likely to take the medication (those older than 65 who have arthritis pains). Patrick views the questionnaire proposed by the research firm. Two of the questions are: 1. Are you older
than 65? If “yes,” continue to Question 2. 2. Do you experience pain from arthritis? If “yes,” continue to Question 3. Questions 1 and 2 are considered to be:
A) disguised questions
B) skip questions C) screening questions D) undisguised questions E) classification questions
18) Regression analysis or times series analysis are often used in which type of statistical analysis?
A) differences analysis B) predictive analysis C) variance analysis D) associative analysis
E) population determination analysis
19) If two values are tied for the most frequent values in a dataset, the distribution is said to be:
A) deuced B) modal C) bimodal D) semimodal E) trimodal
20) The ________ identifies the distance between the lowest value (minimum) and the highest value (maximum) in an ordered set of
A) deviation
B) mode
C) frequency
D) distribution
E) range
TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.
21) An open-ended question presents no response options to the respondent.
22) You should always use the word “always” in designing questions so that you place a
specific time parameter around an event.
23) There is nothing wrong with the following question: “Do you believe Nichols Seafood Restaurant has good
prices and service?”
24) A measure can be reliable but invalid.