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Project Status Summary (Percentage Complete: 0%):

We have begun to investigate technologies for our application. We have also completed a low-level design for the project. Our basic idea is creating a chess variant game via a 3d game development engine, and then utilizing a web application architecture to host that game.

Lab Time and Accomplishments this week built on last weeks work

No Lab Time this week.

Investigated Stockfish as an avenue for creating this project. Forking this package and editing it is an avenue but not the best way to go about this

Investigating a game development engine (Unity) for creating the base chess game.

Learning languages for this project (C#, JavaScript, Python)

Next weeks SMART goals:

Create a GitHub Repository for team members (potentially two, one for the chess game and one for the web-app) (Michael, Robert)

Learn more about game development with Unity and C# (Michael, Ali, Izabella)

Discovery on Web application architecture (All)

Begin writing Chess application in Unity (Robert).

Begin design our UI for the website (Izabella, Ali)

Action Plan (task responsibility, timing, help needed):

Learn more about the languages and technologies we are going to be using and how they will fit together

Get a base setup for the web application and chess game on GitHub

Start Design chess game UML diagram

Start creating the base chess game

Set up bi-weekly/weekly meeting time with advisor

Open Issues, Risks, Change Requests:

Finalizing choices of technologies/frameworks that will be used in project

Milestones and Deliverables:

Milestones /


Planned Date

Forecasted Date

Actual Date



First prototype of web application UI design




On schedule

First prototype of web application server




On schedule

First Chess Game




On schedule

* Examples adapted from CREG 257/258 at Lehigh University

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