Soft skills are a crucial element when functioning as part of a health care team and delivering quality care to patients. It is essential to incorporate soft skills into your daily routine as a healthcare professional.
For this assignment, pick (5) soft skills that you feel are important to incorporate into practice in your chosen career. Be sure to consider the PRICE of Success when you are choosing your soft skills. You will need to define each soft skill and describe why you think each skill is important and how you plan to incorporate it into your daily practices of patient care or interaction with patients and/or coworkers.
Create a PowerPoint Presentation that outlines the soft skill and how it is incorporated into practice (each item must be on its own slide) for each soft skill you choose. Include either a voiceover presentation (minimum 5 minutes) or speaker notes in each slide as if you were presenting this to the class (a minimum of 100-150 words in the speaker notes per slide).
For each soft skill, discuss the following:
definition of the soft skill
how you plan to incorporate it into your daily practices of patient care or interaction with patients and/or coworkers.