Name: _________________________Date: _____________
Fill in your name above, put your full response below the question, save the file using the file naming convention: “ISSC457_Lab1_LastName_FirstName.doc” where LastName is your last name and FirstName is your first name, then return this document for grading.
In this lab: Review the steps only.
Estimated completion time: 60 minutes
Report the steps you need to perform these tasks.
· Where can you find Apache logs?
· What are some of the logs maintained by Apache?
· Where can you find ProFTP logs?
· What are some of the logs maintained by ProFTP?
· What are other common logs maintained in Ubuntu via Syslog?
Lab Solution
1. VMWare
Note: We are using VMWare Workstation 6.5 for this exercise but the following steps are similar for VMWare Player.
2. Click on “Open Existing VM or Team” to open an existing virtual machine and browse to the directory where you extracted the UbuntuWebServer image. Select the Ubuntu.vmx file and click on Open.
3. Click on “Take Ownership” on the following dialog box.
4. Click on Power on this virtual machine to start the UbuntuWebServer virtual machine.
5. On the next window, select “I copied it” and click OK.
6. Wait while the virtual machine starts.
7. Press Enter to bring up the login prompt and login with username root, and password password.
8. Type cd /var/log and press Enter to go to the directory storing the log files.
9. Type ls –la | more and press Enter to list all log files.
The most relevant log files include:
· auth.log
· daemon.log
· debug
· kern.log
· messages
· syslog
10. Apache 2 stores its log files in /var/log/apache2. Type cd apache2 and press Enter to go to this directory.
11. Type ls –la and press Enter to list all log files used by Apache.
The access.log file keeps a record of all accesses to the Web server. The error.log file stores error messages generated by the server.
12. Type nano access.log and press Enter to open the access log file.
Get familiar with the structure of each entry in this log file.
13. Next, type nano error.log and press Enter to open the error log file.
Again, get familiar with the structure of each entry in this log file.
14. Now, go to the /var/log/proftpd/ directory on your UbuntuWebServer box. ProFTP is used by UbuntuWebServer to offer an FTP server. This tool logs all login attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, to /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log.
15. Type nano proftpd.log and press Enter to open the access log file.
Get familiar with the structure of this log file.
16. Close all windows.