We can work on Marketing activities

·  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-PeCfOGjY – Based on the video, how is JC Penny’s making the switch from department store to specialty store? Can JC Penny’s compete with Nordstrom’s in today’s shopping market?

·  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po0jY4WvCIc – What is being communicated in this video? How many times do you see the word “Pepsi?”

·  https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/12/19/the-five-biggest-public-relations-disasters-of-2017-and-what-you-can-learn-from-them/?sh=78cf998c3a5b – Based on the article, what can you learn from their mistakes?

·  Read the following examples. Which of the products are relatively elastic, and which are relativity inelastic and why?

o  Refrigerator

o  Gasoline

o  Internet service

o  Pair of jeans

o  Diamond

o  Scarves

o  Orange juice

o  Salt

o  Computer

o  Concert tickets

·  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVOzs1HK66A Watch the provided video. Marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising, and publicity that enhance consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness.

o  Goal is speeding the sales process and increasing sales volume.

o  Produce best results when combined with other marketing activities, such as advertising.

o  Cannot overcome poor brand images, product deficiencies, or poor training for salespeople. 

Read the following examples. Determine the type of differential or new-product pricing used as the pricing strategy.

Every year Dillard’s offers a Fourth of July sale on its products.Coca-Cola quickly gained market share in a new market by pricing products lower than competitors.At car dealerships it is common to haggle over the final price of a car purchase.A U.S. textbook publisher sells textbooks in the United States at one price, but will sell foreign editions at a lower price for students in other countries.Tiffany &  Co. introduced a new emerald necklace by charging the highest  possible price to reflect its prestige.

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