it is vitally important that you learn how to write university-level papers, including what is known as “APA formattingâ€. The “APA†stands for the American Psychological Association, “APA†provides a detailed layout and explanation about how to write an assignment or paper, including headings, paragraphs, and references, among many other points. As of September 2020, the APA has a 7th edition, updated from the 6th edition in 2010. There are many changes that will be incorporated into this Syllabus and throughout your Lessons. Please review the major ones: UTube has a great 5-minute video about how you set up your paper.
You are required to complete a 500-word essay on any topic related to your current field of practice (med-surg., obstetrics, geriatrics, the OR, etc.), or sub-specialty (a disease or procedure), for example. While your instructor will read the content of the assignment you write, the purpose of this assignment is to see how well you have followed the Evaluation Criteria (following), based on APA 7th ed.
The 500 words does NOT include the Title page or Reference page(s). In the “essay†you must include: 1. A title page including: Title of the submission, your name, ID#, course, Instructorâ€s name, university, and submitted date 2. Numbering of all pages including the title page 3. At least four paragraphs written about your selected topic demonstrating proper beginnings of paragraphs, complete sentences, spelling, general grammar and syntax, and no use of slang or jargon words or phrases 4. The use of page breaks appropriately between: • The Title page and the content of the paper • The Conclusion and the References 5. The Exercise must be double-spaced throughout, using only 11 Arial or Calibri, 12 Times New Roman or Georgia, with a one (1) inch margin on all four sides of every page 6. A Reference page with at least: 3 journal articles (1 with a URL and one with a doi); 1 reference from the course textbook; and 2 references from websites pertaining to your selected topic. References should be no more than 5 years from publication (2015). 7. Three correction citation procedures within the content of the assignment to indicate the use of author(s) and date(s) of the reference(s) you have used within your paper. (e.g. Vandewater et al., 2020). The assignment must be in Microsoft word – not PDF, or Notes. The title of the paper (in uppercase and lowercase letters) is centered on the first line, in bold and it is the same as the title on the Title page. The introduction (which is not labeled using the word “introductionâ€) begins on the line following the paper title (only one – double space). Headings or LEVELS are used to organize the document and reflect the relative importance of sections. Headings and subheadings of the content of the paper do not begin on new pages. The format of each level is illustrated below: APA Headings Level Format 1 Centered, Boldface, Title Case Heading Text starts a new paragraph. 2 Flush left, Boldface, Title Case Heading Text starts a new paragraph. 3 Flush Left, Boldface Italic, Title Case Heading Text starts a new paragraph. 4 Indented, Boldface Title Case Heading Ending With a Period. Paragraph text continues on the same line as the same paragraph. 18 5 Indented, Boldface Italic, Title Case Heading Ending With a Period. Paragraph text continues on the same line as the same paragraph. As stated in the APA 7th edition: When the authors of a source are not part of the formal structure of the sentence, both the authors and years of publication appear in parentheses, separated by semicolons, in alphabetical order e.g. (Eby & Mitchell, 2016; Passerallo, Pearson, & Brock, 2017).. It is best to paraphrase an author(s)â€
ideas or thoughts into your own words rather than provide long direct quotations. However, if you do use a direct quotation, always include the author, year, and page number as part of the citation. A quotation of fewer than 40 words should be enclosed in double quotation marks (“ “) and should be incorporated into the formal structure of the sentence. A longer quote of 40 or more words should appear (without quotes) in block format with each line indented 1/2’†(1 tab) from the left margin. e/in_text_citations_the_basics.html References The References section begins on a new page. USE PAGE BREAK. The heading in bold, is centered on the first line. The References begin on the line following the references heading, flush left. Second and subsequent lines of each reference is indented x 1 tab. All references are double-spaced. Up to 20 authors must now be listed. 2. Year of Publication: In parentheses following the authors, with a period following the closing parenthesis. If no publication date is identified, use “n.d.†in parentheses following the authors. 3. Source Reference: Includes title, journal, volume, issue, pages (for journal article) or title, and publisher (for book). If a DOI is available please put it in, regardless of whether you have used it, or you used a print form of your reference. If an online work has both a DOI and a URL, use the DOI. If there is only a URL, use the URL. If a print work does not have a DOI or URL, use only the publisherâ€
s name. NOTE: You no longer use “Retrieved from†or the publishers geographical location). 4. Use of italics. Titles of textbooks and journals are in italics as well as the volume numbers of journals. 5. The first letter of a Title and after a colon (:) are capitalized as well as the major words of a journal title. (do not capitalize: ‘ofâ€
, ‘inâ€
, ‘toâ€
, etc.) Evaluation Criteria for APA Exercise General Format Requirements (2 pts) Paper includes: 1. Title page with title of submission, name of student and student ID, university, course, instructorâ€
s name, date submitted. 2. One (1â€
) margin on all sides, right side unjustified, double spaced, using only 1 font (e.g., 11 Arial or Calibri, 12 Time Roman or Georgia). 3. BOLD and italics used correctly. All pages are numbered including the title page. 5. Complete sentences and paragraphs, use of correct punctuation and grammar, no slang, jargon or clichés. 6. Page Break as required 1. Paper set-up: First page of the assignment/paper – Paper title, centered in bold, in upper and lowercase letters. • Note: Same title begins the content of the paper (the word “Introduction†is not used). • Appropriate Level 1 to Level 5 headings used. • Page break used as appropriate throughout paper/assignment. • Double-spacing throughout paper. 2. Paper content: • There is a clear focus on the issues appropriate to that question. • There is adequate depth of information presented (maximum 500 words). • Connecting ideas from the literature and topic are evident. • In-Text citations are provided as required [author(s), date]. • Discussion demonstrates personal understanding of the topic, with examples of critical thinking as appropriate. 3. References: • Heading titled “References†in bold, centered on page. • Alphabetical order; double-spaced only. • The first line of every reference is flush with left margin; all subsequent lines for each reference are indented x 1 tab. • Journal titles are in capitals as well as the first word in a document title and after a colon (:). Only the first word of an article or textbook is capitalized. Adequate number and pertinent references to support discussion and arguments: 2 journal articles (1 with a URL and one with a doi); 1 reference from the course textbook; and 2 references from websites pertaining to your selected topic. Points Content (3 pts) • Conclusion includes a succinct summary of relevant points in each answer. • Spelling and structure of sentences is correct •