We can work on Acaydia School of Aesthetics Plan and Implement Learning Activities Reflection – Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Please review/watch the following video and reflect. Please use the format, set up provided. Put your answer on the form You will need the book I do not have the book . Epstein, Ann S. (2014). The Intentional Teacher. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Washington D.C. ISBN #978-1-938113-06-2

You will see the format, the set up below. I have attached the word document as well.

This video focuses on the language development area… You can pick one video to discuss

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHNymBouF0w (Links to an external site.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbdL6U006iU&t=24s (Links to an external site.)

Watch/Review and Reflect/Discuss/Analyze

(Please try not to be so literally… you are not limited to the prompts, you can expand more… if I make errors do not take it literally. You can think and discuss it. Some are quick to point out any errors I made… you know what the theme is about… go with the theme and write your reflection.

Step 1 – Watch/Observe

Step 2- Identify how the activities are being done. Is it DAP? Is it intentional? Does it involve what the mentor(s) discuss? Refer to specific information from “The Intentional Teacher (TIT) textbook, and, If applicable, refer to the “Design for Living and Learning (DLL)” textbook as well.

Step 3- discuss specific strategies relating to Activities/Curriculum areas from the video. Refer to specific information from “The Intentional Teacher (TIT) textbook, and, If applicable, refer to the “Design for Living and Learning (DLL)” textbook as well.

Step 4- What strategies did you saw that could be implemented?

Step 5- What can you, as a beginning or experienced teacher, do to guarantee that intentionality has a place in your daily interaction with children? How about DAP?

Step 6- How will you use the knowledge in your virtual student teaching/ in-person eventfully in a classroom? If you have already used this knowledge, please share your experience. (Be specific – don’t just say it will help you be a wonderful teacher). Be sure to integrate support materials from the chapter if applicable.

Step 6 – Discuss -What would you do differently? Give reason(s).

Make sure you put in an appropriate reference. A minimum of 10 well-written sentences is required for your discussion. Do not use text lingo (“U” for you, etc.)

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