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Part 2 Completed by Week 10

Write a 6 page advocacy plan using the requirements and problems listed in the advocacy plan documents. Keep in mind, your advocacy plan will be informed by the “Preparation Guide for the Advocacy Plan” paper you completed during Week 9.

Note: Key components of the advocacy plan include:

·Section 2.1: Executive Summary

·Section 2.2: Graphic or Diagram

·Section 2.3: The Advocacy Plan

o2.3(a): Problem Statement, Policy Issue, and Solution

o2.3(b): Stakeholders

o2.3(c): Problem/Policy Issue Current Status

o2.3(d): Alliances/Coalitions/Partnerships

o2.3(e): Goals (S.M.A.R.T.—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely)

o2.3(f): Tactics and Tools (Messaging)

Refer to the “Advocacy Plan Requirements” document for the specific requirements of the key components of the advocacy plan.


Section 1: Preparation Guide for the Advocacy Plan
• Definitions – Advocacy and Diversity
• Problem Statement
• Policy Issue
• Research-Policy and Law Principles
• Conclusion- Leadership

Section 2.1: Executive Summary
For each of the five selected pieces of significant special education case law, paper concisely synthesizes how it supports one or more of the three foundational statues.

Section 2.2: Graphic or Diagram
Illustrates the advocacy plan.

Section 2.3: Advocacy Plan
• Problem Statement, Policy Issue, and Solution
• Stakeholders
• Problem/Policy Issue Current Status
• Alliances/Coalitions/Partnerships
• Goal (S.M.A.R.T.)
• Tactics and Tools



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