We can work on economic analysis

 Use economic  analysis in your answers and explanations. We will see what can be done about the exam on chapters 5- 8. 5.

1- Suppose anyone could park in the driveway of your home so it would often happen that you could  not get into your garage with our car. How would this “open access” to your driveway impact the value  of your home? If there was open access to all driveways in your city, what would be the impact on the  construction of new homes in your city? 

6. How would you go about analyzing the benefits and costs of outlawing drugs such as heroin?  Bee specific about what you would include as a benefit and what you would consider are the costs  involved. 

7. The U.S. Department of Agriculture publishes nutritional guidelines, and the Affordable Care Act  mandates calorie counts on menus. Yet the federal government also subsidizes the production off foods  that end up causing Americans to violate those guidelines and consume calories that contribute to the  national obesity epidemic. How do you explain this seeming inconsistency? (Hint: Who benefits from  agricultural subsidies and how might they react to decreases in such subsidies?) 

8. The United States currently has an “opt-in” system for organ donations from the deceased. People  must explicitly choose postmortem donation ahead of time (as when they obtain their driver’s licenses).  Many other nations have “opt-out” systems: A desire to donate postmortem is presumed to exist unless  an individual explicitly chooses ahead of time not to permit donation. How, if at all, would a shift to an  opt-out system in the U.S. likely change the supply of cadaveric (postmortem) donations 

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