After watching Ted Talk video: “How to have better political conversations” by Robb Willer
How to have better political conversations | Robb Willer (Links to an external site.)
Answer following questions:
According to the author, what are the main causes of this increasing political polarization in America?Describe and examine the author’s solution to this problem of polarization. Would it work? Explain.In your opinion, Is polarization bad for democracy? Why or why not?Describe the impact of polarization on government ability to fight coronavirus.
Use questions above as guidance for your topic sentences.
In case you use outside resources, do not forget to provide proper citations.
Instruction for submission
Ted Talk Analysis 1must be submitted online through Canvas.
Format of paper must be MS word (or PDF), double/ spaced,12 points font, 1-inch margins, minimum 300 words.
Name of file must be as follows:
Student last name _name of assignment (E.G.: Torbica_ TedTalkAnalysis1)
Late submission will result in grade 0 or taking points off.