We can work on Clement Greenberg’s 1939 essay “Avant-Garde and Kitsch.”

Section 1:
Hi, in the Documents section of Blackboard, you will find Clement Greenberg’s 1939 essay “Avant-Garde and Kitsch.” You don’t need to read through it with immense concentration (and you only need to read up to page 20), just skim through and make sure you understand the basic concepts, then answer the following questions (you may post as a direct answer to my questions or as a discussion or response to your classmates, if you choose the latter, indicate whose post you are responding to by writing their first name in the subject line of your post):

  1. In your opinion, is his perception of high and low art correct to some degree? If yes, why so? If not, why not? Is high art any more valuable that “low” or “mass” art? Or are they both significant in different ways? If high art is the peak of any one artistic genius at a given time, can mass art then not be considered the marker of a collective whole, an entire population, at a moment in history?

Section 2:

  1. Osmu Tezuka believed comics are a bridge between cultures and often dabbled into adaptations of classic literature into manga. His assumption was that this is an effective way to bring ideas to individuals incapable of accessing them otherwise. However, something else may be at play here as well. If comics are a universal language, does their adaptation of literature then in turn make the literature more universal and more easily understood through comics? For instance, there are certain specificities in local cultures, ways of expression, phrases, traditions, modes of thinking, etc., which are actually quite difficult to reconcile with to someone from a profoundly different culture. But, because of the ‘placeless’ nature of comics, or rather cartoons who have no distinct features bound to any locale, does that make the work itself more easy to assimilate and even agree with, despite cultural differences? Does it become easier to appreciate a foreign culture through comics? Does the universality of cartoons in turn succeed in presenting an accurate portrayal of a different culture or not or does it create an unrealistic illusion?

Sample Solution

Correspondence Many directors invest the majority of their energy to convey inside and outside the business. Correspondence can be effectively characterized as a progression of data starting with one individual then onto the next. Hence, compelling correspondence is essential to the accomplishment of the business. Since work re-appropriating, data criticism, and business the board rely upon an exact, speedy and successful correspondence process. Great correspondence decreases clashes and forestalls errors by representatives’ requests. We should see. The four most basic kinds of correspondence utilized by administrators incorporate relational correspondence, nonverbal correspondence, composed correspondence, and verbal correspondence. Relational correspondence can be clarified as correspondence between a little gathering of gatherings, for the most part as a setting of meeting where members can just have insignificant discussion. There are things other than dialects, for example, signals, development, articulation, non-verbal communication, different parts of the presence of the body, other than words. Record correspondence is a message sent to the beneficiary recorded as a hard copy. Oral correspondence implies conveying in verbal or verbal correspondence. Nonverbal correspondence is a procedure of conveying by not communicating or getting word messages. This sort of correspondence incorporates motion, contact, non-verbal communication, motion, outward appearance, and eye to eye connection. Nonverbal correspondence additionally incorporates messages passed on through significant tasks. For instance, garments and hairdo are a sort of nonverbal association that passes on data about people. When in doubt, nonverbal correspondence can be considered dependent on the spot and circumstance of correspondence, the physical attributes of the exchange individual, and the conduct of the discourse individual in the exchange. Nonverbal correspondence is the transmission and gathering of messages without words. Non verbal correspondence is called verbal and composed correspondence, for example, motion, non-verbal communication, motion, pitch, outward appearance. Nonverbal correspondence is about the speaker’s non-verbal communication. Casual correspondence is finished utilizing channels diverged from formal correspondence channels. This is only a discussion. It was set up for the social connections of the individuals from the association and for up close and personal conversations. It occurs among loved ones. Utilizing slang words for casual correspondence, swearing words isn’t restricted. Typical. Casual correspondence happens orally and is finished utilizing signals.>

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