We can work on Theoretical / Ethical Basis of Advanced Nursing Practice

Theoretical / Ethical Basis of Advanced Nursing Practice

Theoretical / Ethical Basis of Advanced Nursing Practice

  1. Introduction & Thesis Statement

  • Introduce the theoretical and ethical basis of advanced nursing practice in one paragraph
  • Conclude the introductory paragraph with a direct thesis statement that informs the reader of your purpose or primary objective of the paper.
  1. Phenomenon of Interest (POI)

  • Briefly introduce your chosen POI which is (preventing CLABSIs) as the basis for discussion.
  • Include a short summary of current evidence regarding the selected POI
  • Include at least three current peer-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks
  1. Nursing Metaparadigm

  • Briefly describe the nursing Metaparadigm, and include a primary source citation
  • Describe how each of the four components of the meta-paradigm relate to your specific POI.
  • Support this discussion with at least two current peer-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks and cite/reference the primary source.
  1. Grand Nursing Theory

  • Briefly describe Grand Nursing Theory.
  • Select a grand nursing theory and discuss the concepts identified.
  • Discuss your POI within the framework of the Grand Nursing theory.
  • Support this discussion with at least two peer-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks, and cite/reference the primary source.

Theoretical / Ethical Basis of Advanced Nursing Practice

Sample Solution


nations, which paved the way for the foundation of RCD investment and development bank to initiate, promote and finance projects of a regional importance (Ali, 2001). As a member of RCD Pakistan and Turkey made a good progress like various roads for enlarged Pakistan-Turkish trade were explored, it was originate that Turkish traders were interested in importing from Pakistani items that like surgical instruments, caustic soda, glycerin, castor oil, and products of stainless steel. On the other side Pakistani Importers were keen to buy chemicals and textiles auxiliaries among other goods from Turkey. At the session of the Pakistan-Turkish Joint Commission for Economic and Technical Cooperation which was held in Islamabad (Pakistan) in March 1977, the two governments Pakistan and Turkey obligated to identify a number of areas of cooperation, counting agriculture and food. That interest was shown at the time of launching joint ventures in the fields of commerce, industry and transportation. Thus both countries once again come nearer to each other on 28 March 1977 when they signed a protocol in Islamabad on provided that for enhancing cooperation in agriculture, industry, trade and technical spheres. At the same time joint Commission favored to enhance the trade size, imagining frequent exchange of trade allocations, and agreed in principle, on joint participation in appropriate international fairs. On the other side in the fields of Agriculture, Turkey agreed to supply technical aid to Pakistan in the production, cultivation and marketing of olives, development of rain-fed agriculture, sunflower cultivation, and the production of quality cotton seeds. At that time Pakistan Turkey friendship was highly appreciated by the peoples of both countries (Ali, 2002).>
Theoretical / Ethical Basis of Advanced Nursing Practice

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