We can work on Natural Selection

Lab 4 – Natural Selection
Species and their environments change with time. To ecologists, the most profound changes are genetic. The theory of evolution broadly describes genetic change in populations. Many mechanisms can change the genetic makeup of populations, and our understanding of the relative importance of each mechanism is constantly being refined. Nevertheless, genetic change, and therefore, evolution, is universally accepted by ecologists. Events such as mutations (changes in the genetic message of a cell) and catastrophes (e.g., meteor showers, ice ages), all lead to some degree of genetic change. However, all modern evidence points to natural selection as the major force behind genetic change and evolution.
Charles Darwin first described the mechanics of natural selection. Darwin postulated that organisms that survive and reproduce successfully in a competitive environment must have traits better adapted for their environment than those of their competitors. In other words, adaptive traits increase organisms’ fitness, and these traits are passed more frequently to the next generation. If traits of the most fit individuals are transmitted to the next generation through increased reproduction, then the frequency of these traits will, after many generations, increase in the population. Subsequently, the population and its characteristics will gradually change. Darwin called this overall process natural selection and proposed it as a major force guiding genetic change and the formation of new species.
Natural selection in living populations over many generations is difficult to demonstrate in the lab. Therefore, in this exercise you will simulate reproducing populations with nonliving, colored beads representing organisms and their gametes. This artificial population quickly reveals genetic change over many generations. We reviewed the terms gene, allele, dominant alleles, recessive alleles, homozygous, and heterozygous in class. You will begin your experiments with a “stock population” of organisms consisting of a container of beads. Each bead represents a haploid gamete (having one set of chromosomes). Its color represents the allele it is carrying. An organism from this population is diploid (has two sets of chromosomes per nucleus) and is represented by two beads.
Frequency refers to the proportion of alleles, genotypes or phenotypes or phenotypes of a certain type relative to the total number considered. Frequency is a decimal proportion of the total alleles or genotypes in a population. For example if ¼ of the individuals of a population are genotype Bb, the genotypic frequency of Bb is 0.25. If ¾ of all alleles in a population are B, then the frequency of B is 0.75. Remember, by definition the frequencies of all possible alleles or genotypes of phenotypes will always total 1.0.
In the following procedures you will simulate evolutionary changes in allelic and genotypic frequencies in an artificial population.

  • The trait is fur color
  • A blue bead is a gamete with a dominant allele (complete dominance) for Black fur (B).
  • A white bead is a gamete with a recessive allele for white fur (b).
  • An individual is represented by two gametes (beads).
  • Individuals with genotypes BB and Bb have black fur and those with bb have white fur.
    Part 1 – Establish a parental population
  1. Obtain a “stock population” of organisms consisting of a container of blue and white beads.
  2. Obtain an empty container marked “Parental population”
  3. From the stock population select nine homozygous dominant individuals (BB) and place them in the container marked “Parental Population.” Remember each individual is represented by two blue beads.
  4. From the stock population select 42 heterozygous individuals (Bb) and put them in the container marked “parental population.” Remember each individual is represented by a blue and a white bead.
  5. From the stock population select 49 homozygous recessive individuals (bb) and put them in the container marked “Parental Population.” Remember each individual is represented by two white beads.
  6. Calculate the total number of individuals and the total number of alleles in your newly established parental population. Use this information to calculate and record in the first table the correct genotypic frequencies for your parental population
    Questions for Part 1:
  7. How many total beads are blue?
  8. How many are white?
  9. What color of fur do Bb individuals have?
  10. How many beads represent the population of 100 organisms?

Table 1.
Genotypes Frequency Alleles Frequency Phenotype Frequency
BB ?? B ? Black Fur
Bb ?? b ? White fur
bb ??

Part 2 – The Hardy-Weinberg Principle
The Hardy Weinberg Principle enables us to calculate and predict allelic and genotypic frequencies. We can compare these predictions with actual changes that we observe in natural populations and learn about factors that influence gene frequencies.
This predictive model includes two simple equations first describes for stable populations by G.H. Hardy and W. Weinberg. Hardy-Weinberg (HW) equations (1) predict allelic and genotypic frequencies based on data for only one or two frequencies; and (2) establish theoretical gene frequencies that we can compare to frequencies from natural populations. For example, if we know the frequencies of B and BB, we can use the Hardy –Weinberg equations to calculate the frequencies of b, Bb, and bb. Then we can compare these frequencies with those of a natural population that we might be studying. IF we find variation for our predications we can study the reasons for this genetic change. For the Hardy-Weinberg equations, the frequency of the dominant allele of a pair is represented by the letter p, and that of the recessive allele by the letter q. Also, the genotypic frequencies of BB (homozygous dominant), Bb (heterozygous), and bb (homozygous recessive) are represented by p2, 2pq, and q2, respectively. Examine the frequencies in your first table and verify calculations of the HW equations:
p + q = 1
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.

The HW principle and its equations predict that frequencies of alleles and genotypes remain constant from generation to generation in stable populations. Therefore, these equations can be used to predict genetic frequencies through time. However, the HW prediction assumes that:

  • The population is large enough to overcome random events.
  • Choice of mates is random.
  • Mutations do not occur.
  • Individuals do not migrate into or out of the population.
  • Natural or artificial selection pressures are not activing on the population
    Questions for Part 2:
  1. Consider the HW equations. If the frequency of a recessive allele is 0.3, what is the frequency of the dominant allele?
  2. If the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype is 0.49, what is the frequency of the dominant allele?
  3. If the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype is 0.49, what is the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype
  4. Which HW equation relates the frequencies of the alleles at a particular gene locus?
  5. Which HW equation relates the frequencies of the genotypes for a particular gen locus?
  6. Which HW equation relates the frequencies of the phenotypes for a gene?

To verify the predictions of the HW Principle, use the following procedure to produce a generation of offspring from the parental population you created in the previous procedure. Remember, the fact that the genetic frequencies of various alleles, genotypes, and phenotypes total 1.0 is not a prediction of the HW Principle. The total of 1.0 is a mathematical fact. The prediction is that the relative frequencies will not change if all assumptions are met.
Part 3 – Verify the Hardy-Weinberg Principle.

  1. Using your parental population described in Part 1, simulate random mating of individuals by mixing the population.
  2. Reach into the parental container without looking, and randomly select two gametes. Determine their genotype. Keep a tally here as to what genotype you get, and return the beads to the container
    BB Bb bb
  3. Repeat step two 100 times to simulate production of 100 offspring
  4. Calculate the frequency of each genotype and allele, and record the frequencies in table 2. Besides each of these new-generation frequencies write (in parentheses) the original frequency of that specific genotype or allele from table 1.
    Table 2.
    Genotypes Frequency Alleles Frequency
    BB ?? B ?
    Bb ?? b ?
    bb ??

Questions for Part 3:

  1. The HW principle predicts that genotypic frequencies of offspring will be the same as those of the parental generation. Where they the same in your simulation?
  2. If the frequencies were different, then one of the assumptions of the HW Principle was probably violated. Which one?

Part 4 – Effect of a Selection Pressure
Selection is the differential reproduction of phenotypes – that is, some phenotypes (and their associated genes) are passed to the next generation more often than others. In positive selection, genotypes representing adaptive traits in an environment increase in frequency because their bearers survive and reproduce more. In negative selection, genotypes representing nonadaptive traits in an environment decrease in frequency because their bearers are less likely to survive and reproduce. Selection pressures are factors such as temperature and predation that result in selective reproduction of phenotypes. Some pressures may elicit 100% negative selection against a characteristic and eliminate all successful reproduction by individuals having that characteristic. For example, mice with white fur may be easy prey for a fox if they live on a black lava field. This dark environment is a negative selection pressure against white fur. If survival and reproduction of mice with white fur were eliminated (i.e., if there is 100% negative selection), would the frequency of white mice in the population decrease with subsequent generations? To test this, use the following procedure to randomly mate members of the original parental population to produce 100 offspring.

  1. Using the same parental population before, simulate the production of an offspring from this population by randomly withdrawing two gametes to represent an individual offspring. If that offspring is BB or Bb place it in a new container for the accumulation of the “Next Generation” Record this occurrence on the tally sheet below.
  2. If the offspring is bb, place this individual in a container for those that “cannot reproduce.” Individuals in this container should not be used to produce subsequent generations. Record the occurrence of this genotype on the tally as well.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the parental population is depleted, thus completing the first generation.
    BB Bb bb
  4. Calculate the frequencies of each of the three genotypes recorded on the separate sheet and record these frequencies for the first generation in table 3. Individuals in each generation will serve as the parental population for each subsequent generation.
  5. Repeat steps 1-3 to produce a second, third, fourth and fifth generation, record you results in table 3.
    BB Bb bb

Table 3.
Genotypes First Second Third Fourth Fifth
BB ??
Bb ??
bb ??
Total 1 1 1 1 1

  1. Graph your date from table 3. Generation is the independent variable on the x axis and Genotype is the dependent variable on the y axis. Graph three curves, one for each genotype.

Because some members of each generation (i.e., the bb that you removed ) cannot reproduce, the number of offspring from each successive generation of your population will decrease. However, the frequency of each genotype, not the number of offspring, is the important value.
Questions for part 4:

  1. Did the frequency of white individuals decrease with successive generations? Explain why?
  2. Was the decrease of white individuals from the first to second generation the same as the decrease from the second to the third generation? From the third to the fourth generation? Why or why not?
  3. How many generations would be necessary to eliminate the allele for white fur?

Most natural selective pressure do not completely eliminate reproduction by the affected individuals. Instead, their reproductive capacity is reduced by a small proportion to show this use the below steps to eliminate only 20% of the bb offspring from the reproducing population.
Part 5 – Simulating 20% negative selection pressure.

  1. Mix your beads together to start with your original parental population
  2. Simulate the production of an offspring from this population by randomly withdrawing two gametes to represent an individual offspring.
  3. If the offspring is BB or Bb, place it in a container for production of the “Next Generation.” Record the occurrence of this genotype on the tally below.
  4. If the offspring is bb, place every fifth individual (20%) in a separate container for those that “Cannot Reproduce.” Individuals in this container should not be used to produce subsequent generations. Place the other 80% of the homozygous recessives in the container for the “Next Generation.” Record this tally below.
    BB Bb bb
  5. Calculate the frequencies of each of the three genotypes recorded on the separate sheet and record these frequencies for the first generation in table 3. Individuals in each generation will serve as the parental population for each subsequent generation.
  6. Repeat steps 1-4 to produce a second, third, fourth and fifth generation, record you results in table 4.
    BB Bb bb

Table 4. 20% negative selection
Genotypes First Second Third Fourth Fifth
BB ??
Bb ??
bb ??
Total 1 1 1 1 1

  1. Graph your date from table 4. Generation is the independent variable on the x axis and Genotype is the dependent variable on the y axis. Graph three curves, one for each genotype.

Because some members of each generation (i.e., the bb that you removed) cannot reproduce, the number of offspring from each successive generation of your population will decrease. However, the frequency of each genotype, not the number of offspring, is the important value.
Questions for part 5:

  1. Did the frequency of white individuals decrease with successive generations?
  2. Was the rate of decrease for 20% negative selection similar to the rate for 100% negative selection? If not how did the rates differ?

Part 6 – Adaptations
Natural selection has shaped available genetic variation and the results are adaptations. Over many generations, characteristics with no adaptive advantage for survival and reproduction may decrease in frequency and those with significant advantage become prominent and frequent. A widely studied example of subtle variation of an adaptation involves the beaks and feeding ecology of Darwin’s finches of the Galapagos Islands. When the parent populations of finches arrived on the Galapagos, the birds became isolated as subpopulations on the islands. With time, speciation occurred, and subpopulations evolved beaks adapted to particular food items in the varied island environments. Food availability and competition were selective pressures that shaped beak morphologies, allowing each species to exploit a particular food.
In the following exercise you will be in groups of four and be given a tool analogous to the beak of a feeding bird. That beak represents an adaptation to gather food items of a particular size or shape. Some adaptations (beaks) are more advantageous than others at gather food of a particular size. In a competitive environment, the organism with the best adaptive morphologies will gather more food and will therefore be more fit. The four students will simultaneously feed from the same resource, and their success at gather food will measure the effectiveness of the “beak” adaptations.

  1. Each group will get a chance at each of the feeding stations, you will have 4 – 20 second feeding sessions at each station. Each group member will “feed” from the same container placed in the middle of the table, so it should be equidistant from each member. Items will be placed in the cup to represent the stomach, you are not allowed to use your hands only “beak” otherwise that food item does not count. Cups should be kept on the table in front of the group member, but at the edge of the table.
  2. Examine your food item, and hypothesize which tool is best adapted to gather the food available.
  3. Listen to instructor for start times, feed for 20 seconds, and when the instructor tells you time is up, count the food items obtained and returned to the central container.
  4. You will repeat this process a total of 4 times for each food item. Those values should be record on table 5.
  5. Repeat this procedure at each of the food items recording your group’s data on the table.

Food Item A Beak 1 Beak 2 Beak 3 Beak 4
Feeding session 1
Feeding session 2
Feeding session 3
Feeding session 4
Mean items per session

Food Item B Beak 1 Beak 2 Beak 3 Beak 4
Feeding session 1
Feeding session 2
Feeding session 3
Feeding session 4
Mean items per session

Food Item C Beak 1 Beak 2 Beak 3 Beak 4
Feeding session 1
Feeding session 2
Feeding session 3
Feeding session 4
Mean items per session

Food Item D Beak 1 Beak 2 Beak 3 Beak 4
Feeding session 1
Feeding session 2
Feeding session 3
Feeding session 4
Mean items per session

Food Item E Beak 1 Beak 2 Beak 3 Beak 4
Feeding session 1
Feeding session 2
Feeding session 3
Feeding session 4
Mean items per session

Food Item F Beak 1 Beak 2 Beak 3 Beak 4
Feeding session 1
Feeding session 2
Feeding session 3
Feeding session 4
Mean items per session

Questions for Part 6:

  1. Which beak is best adapted for Food item A?
  2. Food item B?
  3. Food item C?
  4. Food item D?
  5. Food item E?
  6. Food item F?
  7. Food item G?
  8. Would a mixture of food sizes be more realistic of a natural situation?
  9. Is competition a factor in the success of adaptations? Why or why not?
  10. Does the success of a beak depend on which organism wields that beak? What is your evidence?
  11. Would a mixture of food sizes amplify or diminish the differences among the success of adaptations?
  12. Were there beaks that allowed you to survive with multiple food sources? Do you think in these cases, you would be a generalist or a specialist?

Sample Solution

In 1975, Gacy’s business was developing rapidly and his craving for youngsters developed with it. Gacy frequently tricked youngsters under his work to his home, persuading them to place themselves in cuffs, and assaulting and tormenting them before choking them (Cahill 169-170). A large portion of Gacy’s killings occurred somewhere in the range of 1976 and 1978, the first of this time occurring in April 1976. A large number of the adolescents that were killed during this time were covered in a slither space under Gacy’s home. For the rest of the homicides, Gacy confessed to losing five bodies the I-55 extension into the Des Plaines River; be that as it may, just four of the bodies were ever recuperated (Linedecker 152). In December 1978, Gacy meets Robert Jerome Piest, a 15-year old kid working at a drug store and extends to him an employment opportunity at Gacy’s firm. Piest educates his mom regarding this and neglects to restore that night. The Piest family documents a missing individual’s report and the drug specialist advises police that Gacy would in all probability be the man that Jerome addressed about a vocation. When addressed by the police, Gacy denied any association in Piest’s vanishing. Be that as it may, the police were not persuaded, and Gacy’s history of sexual maltreatment and battery incited the police to look through his home. Among the things found at Gacy’s home were a 1975 secondary school class ring with the initials J.A.S., numerous driver’s licenses, cuffs, attire that was unreasonably little for Gacy, and a receipt for the drug store that Piest had worked at. Through the span of the following hardly any days, agents got different calls and tips about Gacy’s rapes and the puzzling vanishings of Gacy’s representatives. The class ring was inevitably followed back to John A. Szyc, one of Gacy’s exploited people in 1977. Futhermore, after looking at Gacy’s vehicle, specialists found a little bunch of strands taking after human hair, which were sent to the labs for additional investigation. That equivalent night, search hounds were utilized to distinguish any hint of Piest in Gacy’s vehicle, and one of the canines showed that Piest had, truth be told, been available in the vehicle. On December 20, 1977, under the pressure of steady police reconnaissance and examination, Gacy admits to more than 30 killings and illuminates his legal counselor and companion where the bodies were covered, both in the creep space and the waterway. 26 exploited people were found in the creep space and 4 in the waterway. Gacy is captured, indicted for 33 killings, and condemned to death by deadly infusion. He endeavored a craziness supplication yet was denied, and was executed on May 10, 1994. There were a few criminological pointers that examiners used to attach Gacy to the killings. A portion of these include fiber examination, dental and radiology records, utilizing the decay procedure of the human body, and facial remaking in recognizing the people in question. Specialists discovered strands that took after human hair in both Gacy’s vehicle and close to the creep space where the bodies were covered. Notwithstanding these hair tests, specialists likewise discovered strands that contained hints of Gacy’s blood and semen in a similar zone. Blood having a place with the unfortunate casualties was found on a portion of the filaments, which would later legitimately attach Gacy to the wrongdoings. The filaments in Gacy’s vehicle were broke down by scientific researchers and coordinated Piest’s hair tests. Moreover, the pursuit hounds that confirmed that Piest had been in Gacy’s vehicle showed this by a “demise response”, which told agents that Piest’s dead body had been within Gacy’s vehicle. Out of Gacy’s 33 known exploited people, just 25 were ever convincingly recognized. A significant number of Gacy’s exploited people had comparable physical depictions and were in this manner difficult to recognize by absolutely asking the general population. To recognize the people in question, specialists went to Betty Pat Gatliff, a pioneer in scientific science and facial reproduction. Facial reproduction is the way toward reproducing the facial highlights of a person by utilizing their remaining parts. Certain facial highlights, for example, facial structures, nasal structure, and in general face shape can be helpful in recognizing an unfortunate casualty even long in the afterlife. By utilizing these highlights, and with the assistance of program, measurable specialists can make a picture of an individual’s face, which is instrumental in recognizing exploited people after their bodies have rotted. Facial remaking should be possible in a few measurements. Two-dimensional facial recreations is utilized with skull radiographs and depend on pre-demise photos and data. In any case, this isn’t really perfect on the grounds that cranial highlights are not constantly obvious or at the correct scale (Downing). So as to get a practical and increasingly exact delineation of the unfortunate casualty’s face, a craftsman and a legal anthropologist are generally essential (Downing). Three-dimensional facial reproduction is finished by models or high goals, three-dimensional pictures. PC programs can make facial reproductions by controlling examined photos of the remaining parts and use approximations to reproduce facial highlights. These will in general produce results that don’t look counterfeit (Reichs and Craig 491). At times, specialists will utilize a strategy called superimposition as a procedure for facial reproduction. Shockingly, it’s anything but a usually utilized strategy, as it expects agents to have some information about the personality of the remaining parts they are managing. By superimposing a photo of a person over the skeletal remains, agents can check whether the facial highlights line up with the anatomical highlights, permitting them to distinguish an injured individual. On account of John Wayne Gacy’s exploited people, specialists had the option to utilize facial remaking to recognize nine of the bodies found in the creep space. The accompanying realistic shows the facial reproductions of these nine exploited people: Since facial remaking was insufficient to recognize the entirety of the people in question, agents got DNA profiles from every one of the unidentified exploited people and effectively searched out DNA tests from guys over the United States who had been accounted for missing somewhere in the range of 1970 and 1979 (Cook County Sheriff’s Office 3). The rest of the unfortunate casualties were recognized utilizing dental and radiology records. Since dental polish is harder than bone, teeth outlive tissue and once in a while bone when the body decays. Teeth are entirely dependable in distinguishing exploited people, as they will in general uncover propensities about the individual, for example, nail gnawing, crushing and weight propensities, lip gnawing, and grasping (Ryan 254). Besides, the top of the mouth, which frames a curve, is remarkable to every person fit as a fiddle, size, and shape. Teeth likewise have singular attributes that are one of a kind to every individual in that the relationship of teeth to each other fluctuates, alongside size and state of the jaws and sense of taste (Ryan 255). So as to recognize an individual utilizing dental records, criminological dental specialists must secure the dental records of the person in question or perished. In cases including numerous passings, criminological dental specialists get a rundown of potential people and afterward contrast records with the teeth (Freeman standard. 2). By and large, X-beams are viewed as progressively solid and give the best correlations, yet these are not constantly accessible to legal agents. When the dental records have been obtained, legal specialists at that point take a gander at the individual tooth size, shading, and shape, curve sizes and types, and the connection between the jaws, which is utilized to help characterize facial sorts (Ryan 256). In spite of the fact that John Wayne Gacy’s latest unfortunate casualty was Robert Piest in 1978, specialists in Cook County are as yet looking for distinguishing proof for the rest of the bodies. The most as of late distinguished unfortunate casualty, William Bundy, was convincingly recognized in 2011. The Cook County Sheriff’s area of expertise declared that year that they were reestablishing their endeavors to recognize the staying seven of Gacy’s unfortunate casualties. In any case, nobody has since approached to indisputably recognize them, and their names stay obscure. John Wayne Gacy was one of America’s most productive sequential executioners. With an unfortunate casualty include of 33 youngsters in a three-year length of time, Gacy was condemned to death by willful extermination for his violations. Criminological researchers and specialists had the option to attach Gacy to the killings by utilizing dental and radiology records, facial recreation, and DNA proof. Without the utilization of criminological innovation and the exertion set forth by the agents, Gacy would have kept submitting murders and a considerable lot of the unfortunate casualties would have gone unnoticed. While the case has been cold for a long time, specialists are as yet attempting to distinguish the rest of the exploited people so as to give bit of brain to the groups of the expired. John Wayne Gacy has stood out forever for his wrongdoings, yet his unfortunate casualties will never be overlooked. About Essay Sauce>

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