Ten years from now, what do you feel will be the most pressing issue facing a Child or Family Development Specialist and why do you feel the way you do?
Sample Solution
Nkumalo (2006), directed examinations in South Africa on “Difficulties face by ladies as school chiefs in Wainbaths region”. The investigation indicated that the difficulties looked by female directors that impede them from accomplishing genuine correspondence in connection to their guys associates could be separated into three categories,those challenges inside the school and those inside those inside the individual herself. Kamau (2004), directed examination on the probem looked by female head instructors in dminstration of optional school in Thika region, Kenya.The study found that sex jobs stereotyping, instability in schools, jobs just as close to home boundaries are significant difficulties looked by female headteachers in the organization of auxiliary. 1.2.3: In Tanzania Omboko, F and Oyoo, S.(2011), indicated that female headteachers confronted a great deal of difficulties due to their sex including dismissal, dangers and segregation and in extra required requests of organization and their jobs as spouses and moms were significant difficulties to be experiences for viable execution. 2 From the discoveries of the above examinations, sex job stereotyping, social customs, negative recognition from educators to female head instructors, double duties of parenthood and school director are significant difficulties looked by female standards in the board of optional schools. The examinations surveyed here were directed in Turkey, USA, South Africa, Thika-Kenya and Dar-es-Salaam-Tanzania, anyway there is no any investigation led on Challenges confronting female head educators in the administration of sit-in>
Nkumalo (2006), directed examinations in South Africa on “Difficulties face by ladies as school chiefs in Wainbaths region”. The investigation indicated that the difficulties looked by female directors that impede them from accomplishing genuine correspondence in connection to their guys associates could be separated into three categories,those challenges inside the school and those inside those inside the individual herself. Kamau (2004), directed examination on the probem looked by female head instructors in dminstration of optional school in Thika region, Kenya.The study found that sex jobs stereotyping, instability in schools, jobs just as close to home boundaries are significant difficulties looked by female headteachers in the organization of auxiliary. 1.2.3: In Tanzania Omboko, F and Oyoo, S.(2011), indicated that female headteachers confronted a great deal of difficulties due to their sex including dismissal, dangers and segregation and in extra required requests of organization and their jobs as spouses and moms were significant difficulties to be experiences for viable execution. 2 From the discoveries of the above examinations, sex job stereotyping, social customs, negative recognition from educators to female head instructors, double duties of parenthood and school director are significant difficulties looked by female standards in the board of optional schools. The examinations surveyed here were directed in Turkey, USA, South Africa, Thika-Kenya and Dar-es-Salaam-Tanzania, anyway there is no any investigation led on Challenges confronting female head educators in the administration of sit-in>