complete an Electronic Presentation on African American Culture that is worth up to 100-points. In completing your Electronic Presentation, you will select a work of literature, poetry, music, or some other cultural work or form created or popularized by an African American during the time periods of the 1917-1949. You will present that cultural work and compare it to a work of African American culture created within your lifetime. For example, if you were born in 1997, your second cultural selection needs to have been created between 1997 and the present. The works you select do not have to share a form (i.e. a poem can be compared to a song; a painting can be compared to a sculpture, etc.). Your Electronic Presentation on African American Culture should be in the form of a digital video presentation, an audio-laden PowerPoint or Prezi presentation, a YouTube clip, a podcast, or some other similar and easily accessible audio-visual electronic format that you create. Your Electronic Presentation must be creative in both style and substance. In presenting the works, you will need to provide a little bit of background information on your chosen works (i.e. when and where were the works created; who created them or made them famous; and, what impact did the works have on the cultural landscape then and since they first appeared?). You will also have to briefly explain why you made those particular selections, and explain what you think each work tells people about congruencies and/or changes in the African American experience from the eras of the 1917- to the late-20th and early-21st centuries. Through your Presentation, you will serve as the professor for your own lesson. So, give an Electronic Presentation that your temporary students (i.e. your classmates and Dr. Thompson) will find both impressive and informative.
Sample Solution
society with a feudal past of strong internal and nationalistic loyalty (Ralston et al., 1997). According to Nishimura, Nevgi and Tella (2008) Japan has the following cultural features: a lot of power of traditions, high commitment to complete action chains, reactive, listening culture, data-orientation, high-situational relevance, punctual, hierarchical, high respect for elders and collectivistic. 4.2 â United States The United States is a very large country with multiple states. It is not realistic to say that every state is the same, but it is possible to have some general idea about the business culture in the U.S. It is commonly known that the U.S. is very individualistic and a Western culture with a capitalistic business environment that evolved out of the English legal and political systems. Moreover, the U.S. represent the height of technological development (Ralston et al., 1993). Figure 1 shows the contrasting cultural concepts of Japan and the U.S (Hodgson et al., 2008). Figure 1. Contrasting cultural concepts between the U.S. and Japan. Source: Hodgson, J. D., Sano, Y., & Graham, J. L. (2008). 4.3 â Elements of Culture This section discusses the elements of the Japanese and the American culture that influence their cross-border buyer-supplier relationship. 4.3.1 â Social Structure The first element is the social structure. The Japanese social structure is more vertically oriented. Social relationships in Japan are mainly based on ranking. This corresponds to the findings of Nishimura, Nevgi & Tella (2008), who state that Japan has a lot of power traditions, is hierarchical, and have high respect for elders. For Japanese individuals, it is most advantageous to remain in one group in which he started his career and move up step by step in the course of time. It is difficult to enter another group with already established vertical links between individuals because the individual must start again at the botto>
society with a feudal past of strong internal and nationalistic loyalty (Ralston et al., 1997). According to Nishimura, Nevgi and Tella (2008) Japan has the following cultural features: a lot of power of traditions, high commitment to complete action chains, reactive, listening culture, data-orientation, high-situational relevance, punctual, hierarchical, high respect for elders and collectivistic. 4.2 â United States The United States is a very large country with multiple states. It is not realistic to say that every state is the same, but it is possible to have some general idea about the business culture in the U.S. It is commonly known that the U.S. is very individualistic and a Western culture with a capitalistic business environment that evolved out of the English legal and political systems. Moreover, the U.S. represent the height of technological development (Ralston et al., 1993). Figure 1 shows the contrasting cultural concepts of Japan and the U.S (Hodgson et al., 2008). Figure 1. Contrasting cultural concepts between the U.S. and Japan. Source: Hodgson, J. D., Sano, Y., & Graham, J. L. (2008). 4.3 â Elements of Culture This section discusses the elements of the Japanese and the American culture that influence their cross-border buyer-supplier relationship. 4.3.1 â Social Structure The first element is the social structure. The Japanese social structure is more vertically oriented. Social relationships in Japan are mainly based on ranking. This corresponds to the findings of Nishimura, Nevgi & Tella (2008), who state that Japan has a lot of power traditions, is hierarchical, and have high respect for elders. For Japanese individuals, it is most advantageous to remain in one group in which he started his career and move up step by step in the course of time. It is difficult to enter another group with already established vertical links between individuals because the individual must start again at the botto>