- Select one of the following topics. This should be a topic that you might be interested in.
Attitudes (job related) Emotions and moods Emotional Intelligence
Personality Values Workplace ethics
Individual perceptions Charismatic leadership Workplace diversity
Sexual harassment Transformational leadership Workplace disabilities Perception (Cannot use Rory Sutherland video)
- Read up on the topic in the book (use index in the back of the book â topic might be found in multiple locations).
- Go to You Tube and research applicable videos on your topic.
- Select 2 appropriate and applicable You Tube Videos that you feel would tie in well to the course material. By applicable, I mean one that could be used as part of a class that would readily explain and illustrate your concept. Each video should be no shorter than 3 or so minutes and no longer than 10 – 15 minutes (I am allowing you with discretion here, especially on the high end).
- Project output
Part I â Write up a two page summary (minimum) of the material in the book related to your topic. Formatting instructions: Each will be keyboarded using Times-New Roman, 12-pitch font with one-inch margins. Single space within the lines of a paragraph, double space between each paragraph. If you cannot come up with two full pages from the book content, you may pull in outside sources to supplement the text. Just make sure you site it as a reference!
Part 2 â Write up a good summary paragraph of each of the two videos. Make sure you include how much time the video takes up (should be no more than around 10 â 15 minutes, ideally). Make sure you include a hyperlink to each video. Your summary paragraph should briefly state what the video is about and why you think it is so good/applicable to the topic you have selected. A good summary paragraph should be in the neighborhood of ¾ – 1 full page.
Scoring Rubric
Course Project worth 50 Points
Content write-up (wtg = 3)
Video 1
(wtg = 3)
Video 2
(wtg = 3)
Overall presentation/ appearance
Excellent = 5 points
The write up covers the essence of the book material very well; writing is outstanding
Video appears to be outstanding in its applicability to the subject material and to the class; writing summary is very good
Same as video 1
The entire project looks like a professional may have put the thing together. Also, all instructions were followed exactly
Good = 3 points
Write up covers the material presented for the most part; writing is good. Nothing spectacular about either aspect
Video somewhat applies to the course; Write up / summary about the video is fair, at best
Same as video 1
The entire project appearance is nice. Some instructions may not have been exactly followed.
Fair = 1 point
Material not covered all that well; writing is lacking or poor
Video may mirror the subject matter presented but may not seem to apply all that well or its value is questionable; writing is lacking or poor
Same as video 1
The project appearance is lacking or it appears little effort went into putting it together. Also, failed to follow instructions.
Professor may also assign points = 2 or 4 points and may also use tenths of a point. For example, 2.5, 3.5, etc.
Sample Solution
Achievement Three: Data Analysis Information Analysis Spellbinding Statistics From the contextual analysis, the information showed on the presentation of Maruti Suzuki India in the a-fragment can be utilized to appropriately dissect illustrative measurements. Both subjective and quantitative informational indexes were accommodated various periods and various items. The fitting informational collections that will be utilized will be the quantitative information and proportions of focal inclinations will be utilized, for example, mean, middle and mode will be assessed for the informational index. Additionally, measures standard deviation and the examination that make up the expressive insights. Notwithstanding, the greater part of the information that has been given, is factually dissected to give a mean in various markets and conditions. Display 2: Sales of Passengers Cars The informational index beneath demonstrates the various models of autos in India and furthermore those sold by Maruti Suzuki India Limited from 2008-2013. Utilizing clear insights, the most significant measures to apply would be mean and the standard deviation. The information for the situation were examined utilizing portions in periods. The fragments inculed are passage bring forth, mid bring forth, and pemium incubate for the A-sgement. Car, SUV and so forth have all been incorporated into the all out vehicle industry. The primary concentration in the examination is the A portion. The all out deals for the A-fragment are beneath. 2008/2009 Fragment India MSIL Passage incubate 294.5 262.0 Mid-bring forth 497.6 188.8 Premium-bring forth 128.2 110.1 Sums 920.3 560.9 Mean deals 306.77 186.97 SD 185.01 75.97 2009/2010 Section India MSIL Section bring forth 340.9 268.2 Mid-incubate 581.2 218.7 Premium-incubate 262.7 179.3 Aggregates 1148.8 666.2 Mean deals 382.93 221.1 SD 165.98 44.55 2010/2011 Section India MSIL Section bring forth 478.4 373.3 Mid-incubate 628.8 252.1 Premium-incubate 438.9 209.6 Aggregates 1546.1 835 Mean deals 515.37 278.33 SD 100.20 84.94 2011/2012 Section India MSIL Section bring forth 486.7 331.5 Mid-incubate 527.4 177.3 Premium-bring forth 499.8 218.3 Sums 1513.9 727.1 Mean deals 504.63 242.37 SD 20.77 79.86 2012/2013 Fragment India MSIL Passage incubate 435.1 284.6 Mid-bring forth 415.1 156.2 Premium-bring forth 531.8 244.0 Sums 1381 684.8 Mean deals 460.33 228.27 SD 62.41 65.63 The above investigation of the offers of traveler autos in the A-portion was finished utilizing mean and standard deviation. Standard Deviation has been joined to demonstrate the assortment and spread of the estimations of the portions. Furthermore, this may not have any significant bearing in significant manner because of its not massively huge data about the fragments or periods. Then again, the mean is fitting since it demonstrates the mean changes in deals throughout the years. The mean deals for MSIL contrasted with the remainder of India change starting with one year then onto the next year. Subsequent to taking a gander at the statical sanlysis demonstrates that they had descending chabge in the mean deals from 2018-2013. Overrall from 2008-2009 the information demonstrates that MSIL was getting more cash than 2012-2013. The mean shows that the organization pulled in numerous clients the pattern proceeded until 2013 when it drppped because of the issues with the board and item creation. Show 3: Year-wise Market Share Projections of Major Car Manufacturers in India Maker 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/2012/13 MSIL 46.51 44.63 45.28 38.27 39.12 Hyundai 15.72 16.14 14.37 14.78 14.28 Goodbye 14.86 14.65 13.96 14.12 11.71 Mahindra 6.8 7.72 7.2 9.34 11.57 Toyota 3.02 3.27 3.36 6.09 6.16 General Motors 3.96 4.46 4.28 4.08 3.28 Passage 1.8 1.89 3.94 3.52 2.87 Honda 3.38 3.17 2.38 2.07 2.74 Volkswagen 0 0.21 2.06 2.98 2.44 Renault 0 0.14 1.95 Nissan 0.01 0.02 0.52 1.26 1.38 Skoda 0.89 0.9 0.92 1.3 1.08 Others 3 2.94 1.73 2.05 1.42 Above is the piece of the pie in rate and it centers around the pattern secured by MSIL throughout the years. It additionally demonstrates the mean piece of the pie for every year. MSIL â 45.51%, 44.63%, 45.28%. 38.27%, 39.12% importance the throughout the years MSIl endured some addition and misfortune throughout the years. The investigation of the information spellbindingly mean demonstrates that there has been change throughout the years in market direction. A few associations demonstrate an upward pattern in piece of the overall industry yet MSIL lost a ton of offer and increased next to no rate. Generally, the information demonstrates that MSIL is losing more that it can pick up which focuses on an interior issue. Display 4: Tata Nano Sales Figures and Some Explanation The information gave has introduced deals and time. Goodbye drop in offers of up to 200 units in November 2010. The drop was principally because of the wellbeing of the items and the installment choices of the item which debilitated up front installments. Despite the fact that there was deals gain in May 2011 it was because of the service contract and Nano form dispatch. It is essential to take note of that Tata was on of MSIL greatest contenders and has had the option to build deals by recognizing the issues in its item the executives and altering the plan of action. Show 6: Profile of existing A-Segment Consumers in India In this show the mean normal family unit salary individuals who gain around 50,000-75000 and are first time purchasers in the section bring forth portion. The normal age is around 37 years of age who are for the most part self – utilized with moderate estimated families. The information demonstrates that any individual who is making less that 50,000 it is extremely difficult for them to bear the cost of MSIL vehicles. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015). Having discretionary cashflow and the normal family size are extraordinary variables that become an integral factor when attempting to purchase a vehicle. Display 10: Motivation for A-portion Cars Purchased from Maruti Suzuki The information for the absolute business of section bring forth, mid-incubate and premium bring forth plants that most clients are pulled in to purchasing their first autos from MSIL. One explanation being that they are less expensive to buys than others in India. Then again, the rate is low on individuals who will purchase another vehicle from MSIL which presumably has to do with the item and the poor item the executives. The most minimal is substituting parts for the MSIL vehicle. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015) It is evident that getting extra parts for the consideration is excessively costly than acquiring new vehicle and the absence of inventive items clients are deciding to not return. Display 11: Sales Trends for Diesel and Petrol Vehicle In this display, it demonstrates a pattern for the years 2007-2012. The measurable examination gives the mean for the years in rate and demonstrated that vehicles in the section and mid incubate will diminish from 5% to 2%. Likewise, diesel vehicles are relied upon to expand fundamentally has well. Additionally, there is decrease in the anticipated offers of autos just as diesel vehicles for premium bring forth. Vehicle and SUV/MUV fragments. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015) . By and large insights show that the absolute diesel autos will lessen essentially as a result of the petroleum autos are truly decided on the way of life of the individual who needs the vehicle. Diagram and Tables The diagram above demonstrates the offers of MSIL are seen to incrase in the second and third year yet drop in the fourth and fifth year. The diminishing in offers of the organization is brought about by poor item the board and poor advancement and high substitution costs. Show 3: Year-wise Market Share Projections of Major Car Manufacturers in India Graph The diagram beneath demonstrates the piece of the overall industry. Data about MSIL has been removed from the information to demonstrate the pattern of the piece of the pie of the organization throughout the years. The decrease in piece of the overall industry is an aftereffect of the decrease of offers and because of poor item the executives. Display 6: Profile of leaving A-Segment Consumers of India Graph The above chart is portrayal of a profile of the shoppers in the A-fragment. The demonstrates the distinctive part of the purchaser profile on the diverse hub. The chart demonstrates that it is clear the significant buyers are individuals with a higher pay. Dominant part of the purchasers are likewise first time purchaser’s and independently employed. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015). The chart additionally shws that the modest expenses pulls in the first-run through purchasers for all vehicles and Disposable pay is integral factor in deciding the buy level. Family size additionally has an influence concerning who can buy the vehicle. The above chart demonstrates the level of offers made by first time purchasers on their first vehicle. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015)>
Achievement Three: Data Analysis Information Analysis Spellbinding Statistics From the contextual analysis, the information showed on the presentation of Maruti Suzuki India in the a-fragment can be utilized to appropriately dissect illustrative measurements. Both subjective and quantitative informational indexes were accommodated various periods and various items. The fitting informational collections that will be utilized will be the quantitative information and proportions of focal inclinations will be utilized, for example, mean, middle and mode will be assessed for the informational index. Additionally, measures standard deviation and the examination that make up the expressive insights. Notwithstanding, the greater part of the information that has been given, is factually dissected to give a mean in various markets and conditions. Display 2: Sales of Passengers Cars The informational index beneath demonstrates the various models of autos in India and furthermore those sold by Maruti Suzuki India Limited from 2008-2013. Utilizing clear insights, the most significant measures to apply would be mean and the standard deviation. The information for the situation were examined utilizing portions in periods. The fragments inculed are passage bring forth, mid bring forth, and pemium incubate for the A-sgement. Car, SUV and so forth have all been incorporated into the all out vehicle industry. The primary concentration in the examination is the A portion. The all out deals for the A-fragment are beneath. 2008/2009 Fragment India MSIL Passage incubate 294.5 262.0 Mid-bring forth 497.6 188.8 Premium-bring forth 128.2 110.1 Sums 920.3 560.9 Mean deals 306.77 186.97 SD 185.01 75.97 2009/2010 Section India MSIL Section bring forth 340.9 268.2 Mid-incubate 581.2 218.7 Premium-incubate 262.7 179.3 Aggregates 1148.8 666.2 Mean deals 382.93 221.1 SD 165.98 44.55 2010/2011 Section India MSIL Section bring forth 478.4 373.3 Mid-incubate 628.8 252.1 Premium-incubate 438.9 209.6 Aggregates 1546.1 835 Mean deals 515.37 278.33 SD 100.20 84.94 2011/2012 Section India MSIL Section bring forth 486.7 331.5 Mid-incubate 527.4 177.3 Premium-bring forth 499.8 218.3 Sums 1513.9 727.1 Mean deals 504.63 242.37 SD 20.77 79.86 2012/2013 Fragment India MSIL Passage incubate 435.1 284.6 Mid-bring forth 415.1 156.2 Premium-bring forth 531.8 244.0 Sums 1381 684.8 Mean deals 460.33 228.27 SD 62.41 65.63 The above investigation of the offers of traveler autos in the A-portion was finished utilizing mean and standard deviation. Standard Deviation has been joined to demonstrate the assortment and spread of the estimations of the portions. Furthermore, this may not have any significant bearing in significant manner because of its not massively huge data about the fragments or periods. Then again, the mean is fitting since it demonstrates the mean changes in deals throughout the years. The mean deals for MSIL contrasted with the remainder of India change starting with one year then onto the next year. Subsequent to taking a gander at the statical sanlysis demonstrates that they had descending chabge in the mean deals from 2018-2013. Overrall from 2008-2009 the information demonstrates that MSIL was getting more cash than 2012-2013. The mean shows that the organization pulled in numerous clients the pattern proceeded until 2013 when it drppped because of the issues with the board and item creation. Show 3: Year-wise Market Share Projections of Major Car Manufacturers in India Maker 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/2012/13 MSIL 46.51 44.63 45.28 38.27 39.12 Hyundai 15.72 16.14 14.37 14.78 14.28 Goodbye 14.86 14.65 13.96 14.12 11.71 Mahindra 6.8 7.72 7.2 9.34 11.57 Toyota 3.02 3.27 3.36 6.09 6.16 General Motors 3.96 4.46 4.28 4.08 3.28 Passage 1.8 1.89 3.94 3.52 2.87 Honda 3.38 3.17 2.38 2.07 2.74 Volkswagen 0 0.21 2.06 2.98 2.44 Renault 0 0.14 1.95 Nissan 0.01 0.02 0.52 1.26 1.38 Skoda 0.89 0.9 0.92 1.3 1.08 Others 3 2.94 1.73 2.05 1.42 Above is the piece of the pie in rate and it centers around the pattern secured by MSIL throughout the years. It additionally demonstrates the mean piece of the pie for every year. MSIL â 45.51%, 44.63%, 45.28%. 38.27%, 39.12% importance the throughout the years MSIl endured some addition and misfortune throughout the years. The investigation of the information spellbindingly mean demonstrates that there has been change throughout the years in market direction. A few associations demonstrate an upward pattern in piece of the overall industry yet MSIL lost a ton of offer and increased next to no rate. Generally, the information demonstrates that MSIL is losing more that it can pick up which focuses on an interior issue. Display 4: Tata Nano Sales Figures and Some Explanation The information gave has introduced deals and time. Goodbye drop in offers of up to 200 units in November 2010. The drop was principally because of the wellbeing of the items and the installment choices of the item which debilitated up front installments. Despite the fact that there was deals gain in May 2011 it was because of the service contract and Nano form dispatch. It is essential to take note of that Tata was on of MSIL greatest contenders and has had the option to build deals by recognizing the issues in its item the executives and altering the plan of action. Show 6: Profile of existing A-Segment Consumers in India In this show the mean normal family unit salary individuals who gain around 50,000-75000 and are first time purchasers in the section bring forth portion. The normal age is around 37 years of age who are for the most part self – utilized with moderate estimated families. The information demonstrates that any individual who is making less that 50,000 it is extremely difficult for them to bear the cost of MSIL vehicles. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015). Having discretionary cashflow and the normal family size are extraordinary variables that become an integral factor when attempting to purchase a vehicle. Display 10: Motivation for A-portion Cars Purchased from Maruti Suzuki The information for the absolute business of section bring forth, mid-incubate and premium bring forth plants that most clients are pulled in to purchasing their first autos from MSIL. One explanation being that they are less expensive to buys than others in India. Then again, the rate is low on individuals who will purchase another vehicle from MSIL which presumably has to do with the item and the poor item the executives. The most minimal is substituting parts for the MSIL vehicle. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015) It is evident that getting extra parts for the consideration is excessively costly than acquiring new vehicle and the absence of inventive items clients are deciding to not return. Display 11: Sales Trends for Diesel and Petrol Vehicle In this display, it demonstrates a pattern for the years 2007-2012. The measurable examination gives the mean for the years in rate and demonstrated that vehicles in the section and mid incubate will diminish from 5% to 2%. Likewise, diesel vehicles are relied upon to expand fundamentally has well. Additionally, there is decrease in the anticipated offers of autos just as diesel vehicles for premium bring forth. Vehicle and SUV/MUV fragments. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015) . By and large insights show that the absolute diesel autos will lessen essentially as a result of the petroleum autos are truly decided on the way of life of the individual who needs the vehicle. Diagram and Tables The diagram above demonstrates the offers of MSIL are seen to incrase in the second and third year yet drop in the fourth and fifth year. The diminishing in offers of the organization is brought about by poor item the board and poor advancement and high substitution costs. Show 3: Year-wise Market Share Projections of Major Car Manufacturers in India Graph The diagram beneath demonstrates the piece of the overall industry. Data about MSIL has been removed from the information to demonstrate the pattern of the piece of the pie of the organization throughout the years. The decrease in piece of the overall industry is an aftereffect of the decrease of offers and because of poor item the executives. Display 6: Profile of leaving A-Segment Consumers of India Graph The above chart is portrayal of a profile of the shoppers in the A-fragment. The demonstrates the distinctive part of the purchaser profile on the diverse hub. The chart demonstrates that it is clear the significant buyers are individuals with a higher pay. Dominant part of the purchasers are likewise first time purchaser’s and independently employed. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015). The chart additionally shws that the modest expenses pulls in the first-run through purchasers for all vehicles and Disposable pay is integral factor in deciding the buy level. Family size additionally has an influence concerning who can buy the vehicle. The above chart demonstrates the level of offers made by first time purchasers on their first vehicle. (Mukherjee, Mathur and Dhar, 2015)>