We can work on The Politics of Development and Underdevelopment

Find at least 5 academic sources that deal with the development of a country being affected by gun control and its laws. Sources that include examples of gun laws from multiple countries are especially helpful.
Please look for examples of how gun control can positively or negatively affect the development of a country. Examples can vary for countries.
If possible, find a source that uses a country that used the trade of guns in order to develop economically.
Perform an annotation for each source.

Sample Solution

Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and companies which publish teaching and learning materials. As I mentioned above, Japanese university entrance exam system is going to be changed and writing and speaking exams will be added to the new one. This shift in exams will affect actual education inside the classroom especially at high school where students strictly prepare for the exams. Thus, it is sure that teaching at high school will be more focused on improving students’ writing and speaking skills. MacIntyre et al. (1998) studied willingness to communicate (WTC) to pursue the reasons why some learners do not communicate well even though they have enough competence of the language. They concluded that the concept of WTC which happens on personal occasions would also be possible to use practically and pedagogically. Moreover, as their model of WTC can carry theoretical and practical implication for L2 learning, the findings of my research of which topic includes WTC would also suggest pedagogical implication from two perspectives; theoretically and practically. For instance, theoretically I would find the differences of communication competence between students and its reasons, and practically I would find the communication instruction which could be useful inside the classroom or ways that Japanese could conquer their weakness when they communicate in English. Consequently, the investigation about East Asian students’ psychological issues of speaking English would be adoptable as one of EFL pedagogy of communication instruction, especially instruction for speaking skill. I also believe that, as I mentioned in sampling section, my findings should be adopted in other English education contexts such as English education in other countries, Asian students who are studying in En>

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