We can work on Policy development and advocacy


� Propose innovative healthcare policies which could directly or indirectly impact the national or global healthcare delivery system
� Propose policy development and advocacy
� Create health information related public policy
� Create health regulatory policies based on health law

  1. You are to identify a problem or issue that is facing the healthcare industry. This problem should be significant and urgent, and one that has not yet been solved or addressed. Examples include:
    � Opioid crisis
    � Healthcare disparities (select one of interest to you)
    � Information Governance
    � Childhood obesity
    � EHR Interoperability
    � Cybersecurity
    � Pricing Transparency
    � Other areas of student interest
  2. Research two policies that might have addressed the problem. These policies can be found at the federal, state, or local level or via government agencies. They could also be found on professional association webpages. Make sure that the policy is pertinent to the topic and that it contains enough information to successfully complete the assignment. Provide the links to the policies.
  3. Examine the two (2) policies in the following areas. While you do not have to answer these specifically, you will need to consider these when writing your policy brief. This will become the basis for writing your policy brief.
    � Are the policies you found feasible?
    � What are the goals and/or metrics of the policies? In other words�how will success be measured?
    � What are some of the constraints to advancing the policies? Look at it from the following perspectives in the current environment:
    � Political
    � Economic
    � Social
  4. Based on the information you found, create a new or revised policy that will address the issue. You will be writing a policy brief based on your proposal using the information from step #2 above.

Your proposed policy brief should contain the following (keep these headings as part of your paper):
A. Statement of the Issue/Problem
� A brief (2-4 sentences) statement describing the issue. In other words, what is the problem that your policy addresses?
B. Background and Information Related to the Issue/Problem
� Provide background and context for the problem. What is its significance to the healthcare industry? Provide support from the literature (academic and/or scholarly works)
� Why does something need to be done?
� Current debate around the issue
� Current data related to the issue
� Current laws that may need to be changed
C. Responses and Policy Options
� What has been proposed to date? (This is where, at a minimum, you would bring in your two policies from above.)
� What is the position of affected professional associations? For example, if you selected �Prior Authorization� for your topic, what is the AMA�s position vs. the health insurance industry?

D. Recommendations
� What is your policy recommendation?
� Who are the players that should be involved? (i.e at the federal, state, or local level; government agencies; healthcare leaders; or at the professional level)
� What should they do?

Sample Solution

How does points of confinement make the analytics exact? In this exposition, I will examine the point of separation and how the thoughts of the analytics were scrutinized. I will give an outline of how math can be clarified and clarifying breaking points and the minuscule number. The Calculus contention among Newton and Leibniz is known to be one of the best scientific debates because of the significance and achievement of such discoveries. On opposite, their discoveries presented the establishments of math which is all the more regularly alluded to as separation and combination. Their discoveries were reprimanded vigorously by numerous individuals however particularly a mathematician known as Berkeley. However Berkeley recognized the facts got from math, he rushed to jump and to have a go at refuting their hypotheses. Berkeley was an extraordinary mathematician himself, along these lines his work was to discover blames and breaks in other individuals’ work and openly uncover them. Berkeley acknowledged the thoughts of analytics however considered the thought risky because of the utilization of the little number. (Intelligence ,1953, pp. 22-25) indicates that logicians guessed that the motivation behind Berkley’s discoveries was to enjoy a purposeless preliminary of solidarity with newton, this can recommend that Berkeley was envious of newton however can likewise propose that he thought more about bringing newton down instead of the science in question. Knowledge additionally brought up that Berkeley assaulted the rationale of the minuscule number saying that the estimation of zero is viewed as a limited amount of no size and furthermore a zero-increase esteem. Because of the amount of zero not being predictable, Berkeley rejected this issue as “phantoms of left amounts”. This thought implies that the impacts of zero being imperceptibly little and zero itself proposes that newtons work was self-conflicting and the impacts of this stayed in the computations after it was as far as anyone knows made to disappear. Nonetheless, Berkeley didn’t comprehend that newtons discoveries were just the beginning establishments with an extension to the hypothesis of breaking points. Knowledge proceeds to clarify that in spite of the damaging analysis of Berkeley, it was critical as the blunders he explored were made up for with the presentation of points of confinement and the development away from the infinitesimals. (Grabiner 1997, pp. 393-394) implies that Berkeley assaulted the coherent legitimacy of the analytics including to his attack Newton as an individual and a mathematician. Berkeley is portrayed to be clever and harsh when condemning newtons scientific practices. Berkeley additionally blames mathematicians for being threatening to religion which is viewed as unessential when standing up to a numerical hypothesis. Along these lines, Berkeley’s way to deal with his test on newton was not a scientific one, yet an assault on him and the individuals who upheld newton. Hypothetically talking as far as genuine numbers, the minute number is absent as it isn’t viewed as a genuine number. Minute numbers can be alluded to as amounts that way to deal with zero or can be communicated as factor amounts. The word microscopic implies that something is little to the point that it is difficult to gauge or compute. A tiny item is one that can’t be estimated practically yet does never approach zero. Points of confinement are an estimation that stays in our measurement and keeps up the as far as anyone knows ideal fantasy of such model. Infinitesimals are a lot littler and precise than points of confinement in with the end goal that models are worked in another measurement, significantly more exact and littler and keeps up the figment superbly in the typical measurement. Infinitesimals have a thorough establishment. (Bolton 1995, pp, 1-3.) represents that separation is a strategy in science to ascertain or decide the pace of progress of a capacity. Where a capacity is a connection between two amounts that change reliantly. With cutoff points introduced, the estimation of the capacity is examined when the autonomous variable gets amazingly near a specific worth. Concerning limits, mathematicians can utilize separation to work out the pace of progress between two points known as limits, these breaking points empower the investigation of something that can be estimated. Incorporation is utilized to work out the are under a chart at specific focuses. Demonstrating that points of confinement exist On the off chance that we take the capacity, For when x=2. On the off chance that we sub in 2 for x, at that point the capacity gives an endless number, this Is on the grounds that the numerator which equivalents 5 is partitioned by 0 which can’t be determined as there are unending numbers the appropriate response can be. On the other hand offsetting the (x-2) yields a similar denominator of 0. For this to happen x can’t be equivalent to 2, it must be equivalent to something besides 2 to offset similar terms of (x-2). At that point we are left with: f(x)=(2x+1) This less difficult capacity would now be able to anticipate that; f(2)=5 Along these lines, the forecast for this even is 5, this number was determined utilizing conduct outside of the occasion to anticipate the genuine result conduct of the occasion. To work out the legitimacy of the occasion, we have to include an exactness limit or a range to remain inside the given precision. For instance, I will put a precision limit of ±1 so will offer responses either side of 5, so will be 4 and 6. For this to be, x must rise to 1.5 or 2.5 to create such numbers. Therefore, this capacity is said to restrict 2, this is on the grounds that when x approaches 2, the capacity delineates an unending nature. In this way, f(x) can be made very near the utmost of 2 just by making x particularly near 5. In part 4 of ‘Arithmetic A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION’ , Gowers discusses the thoughts of breaking points and boundlessness and discloses to how to manage such troubles. He begins with discussing the idea of the square foundation of a number. Gowers outlines that the square foundation of 2 is generally 1.41421356 and clarifies that this number is acknowledged to being equivalent. The base of 2 lies somewhere in the range of 1.4 and 1.5 thus the decimal development begins. 1.41421356²=1.9999999933878736 1.41421357²=2.0000000216721449 On the off chance that the decimal development continues expanding there will be a limitless increment of the number 9 so 1.9999999… repeating is viewed as equivalent to 2; this is an acknowledged truth of arithmetic. Another situation Gowers researched was one related with speed, separation and time. Gowers represented to his crowd a situation that shows math can’t figure the normal of speed of a vehicle yet can compute the normal speed of a vehicle during that time over a separation. Therefore, this doesn’t disclose to you the speed of a vehicle at any minute in time. So as to conquer this obstacle, Gowers talks utilizing interminably little timeframes and ascertaining what number of miles the vehicle has gone in such little league. This “absurd dream” as Gowers characterizes it makes various issues in the scientific world and depicts comparable issues to such thoughts that 1.9 repeating is equivalent to 2. In this way, working out the speed of a vehicle in such a little league is viewed as invalid when a period of 0 seconds is utilized. Nonetheless, misusing the way that in a little timeframe, vehicles don’t really quicken much by any means, so utilizing precise estimating gadgets and a suitable time allotment, a nearby guess can be determined but then wont yield the right answer, yet will furnish us with an answer numerically right. This is additionally suggestive of numerical models in the way that they yield an experimentally acknowledged estimation of a characteristic marvel but at the same time isn’t completely 100% exact. Vastness is included by and by and because of its unending nature, limits are recommended to be set up which is a grouping of limited decimals that can be utilized to figure the estimation for the situation that includes a boundless decimal check. Gowers at that point goes onto clarify the computations that include the zone of the circle utilizing ϖr². The zone of an item is portrayed as the “measure of stuff” that a shape observes. The issue with respect to the computations of the territory of circles is because of its bended nature, consequently, it is difficult to fit triangles into such shapes. A circle never has a straight line and as triangles do, there will consistently be a little zone unaccounted for as appeared in the graph to one side, except if a limitless number of slender triangle is utilized, which is understandingly difficult to ascertain. Gowers appraises the region of this circle utilizing various squares, the primary issue is that numerous squares lie incompletely inside the shape. The conspicuous method to improve the precision of the gauge is to make the squares littler, yet the consequence of this equitable makes the guess more like a particular number that can’t be worked out because of the interminable number of squares that there must be to be conveyed over the entire circle. The region of a circle is numerically acknowledged whether a mediocre level of mistake is utilized. To find the precise last solution, an unbounded measure of limitlessly little squares must be utilized which is difficult to compute. On the off chance that you attract a straight digression to the hover anytime on the outline, the inclination of the digression will approach the slope of the hover line at an endlessly little worth, in this manner there would should be an unbounded number of squares for there to be a precise computation of the circle territory. To finish up on this diagram of section 4, Gowers has given us a “productive” elucidation about the thoughts of endlessness and the utilization of cutoff points and how they can furnish us with a guess instead of characterizing a situation totally in one go. (Gowers, 2006, pp56-69.) Separation is the way toward gaining the subsidiary of a capacity or working out the pace of progress of an occasion; for instance, the quickening of a vehicle or the pace of progress regarding x and y on a chart/the angle of the line. Instances of separation>

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