The journal is a tool to help you reflect upon the unit journey and to check in on how you progressed against your personal development plan goals.
Write a reflection journal demonstrating your level of engagement with the project and your participation with the project and the team. The journal should include the following:
Achievement of the consulting teamâs goals.
To help you complete this element of the journal, refer to the team action plan and team charter.
Your contribution to and learning about the interpersonal dynamics that occurred in your consulting team.
To help you complete this element of the journal, refer to the team charter and the goals in your personal learning development plan, and the team health check.
Your experience of giving feedback and learning from feedback.
This can be done through a review of the team assessments or through the weekly activities and participation in the discussion board
Sample Solution
‘Indigenous Australian Cultures’ The Dreaming The English language has no precise word or expression that portrays The Dreaming and each Indigenous Australian language gatherings has its very own term to allude to this age. In Western Australia Ngarinyin individuals allude to it as Ungud, the Central Australian Aranda individuals as Aldjerinya, the Pitjantjara of north-west South Australia as Tjukurpa, while in the Broome locale it is Bugari. While the English word proposes dreams or dubious memories of this present reality the Indigenous Australian interpretation consider’s The To be as inalienable reality (Edwards, 1998). The Dreaming is the manner by which Aboriginal individuals clarify how their reality became. Clarke (2003, p.16) recommends culture and way of life in conventional Aboriginal culture are formed by their qualities, convictions and the connection between Indigenous Australians and each element of scene and living animal. The profound creatures that component in The Dreaming records are the otherworldly Ancestors of the present day Aboriginal people group and keep on impacting the convictions and estimations of Aboriginal Australians (Clarke, 2003, p. 16). The Dreaming recounts the making of land, trees, plants, rocks, waterholes, waterways, mountain, stars and creatures and the voyages the Aboriginal Ancestors voyaged. The spirits of these Ancestors whom frequently looked like individuals or potentially creatures keep on possessing these highlights of the present reality. The two results and disciplines are portrayed in The Dreaming and structure life exercises that are shared all through ages. For instance the Dhuwa shares The Dreaming of a seeker who steals a young lady and traps her in a cavern with him. While he rests she changes into a butterfly and escapes. In his outrage he changes into a bat and is caught in the jail he made everlastingly (, 2015) Connection For Aboriginal Australian’s connection is more than family hereditary qualities or blood ties. Connection is an intricate framework based around social association, which blueprints obligations inside Nations, tribes and family gatherings. (College of Sydney, 2005-15)Kinship and family are particularly essential to Indigenous Australians. As it guides duties to their ‘family’ and condition. Family relationship is so overwhelming for the Wiradjuri individuals they talk about kinfolk as their ‘entire world’ (MacDonald, 1998 p. 303). Connection in the numerous Aboriginal Nations shares basic parts just as contrasts. The widely inclusive frameworks have been passed on through ages from Ancestors of The Dreaming and depend on equal activities, for example, giving of benefits as a byproduct of comparative benefits. Rights and commitments are dictated by a person’s family, and such impacts incorporate who you may wed, share nourishment and assets with, who will take care of an individual and who may instruct them. Family relationship frameworks comprise of Moiety, Totems and skin names. Moiety is a type of social association signifying ‘two parts’. Every individual is alloted a moiety bunch from either the matrilineal (mother) or patrilineal (father’s) line. Moiety administers where accomplices are browsed. For instance a marriage accomplice must originate from the contrary moiety. Every country has their own names for every 50% of moiety. Arnhem Nation allude to it as Dhuwa and Yirrity while Wiradjuri as Dilbi and Kuputhin. Every individual has a place with a totem dependant on when they were imagined. Native totems can be creatures or plants, they hold uncommon importance to a gathering of people (Bani, 2004). They are loaded up with the soul of their predecessors. People become the generational overseers of their specific sacrosanct spots, services and imagining stories. An individual has four totems that speak to Nation, Clan, family and an individual totem that perceives their qualities and shortcomings, this totem possibly given during childbirth or further down the road (University of Sydney, 2005-15). Financial association Goodall (1996, p. 2) has recommended Indigenous Australians have been rehearsing supportable land and financial administration for a great many years. Some time before European settlement Aboriginal Australians “have utilized strategies to expand the numbers and development of plants and creatures”. Clearing trees and making prairies for brushing while at the same time keeping up patches of timberland for sanctuary are instances of these methods (Australian National University, 2011). While The Dreaming and family relationship association portray Aboriginal men as seekers, and ladies gatherers, Women are more solid sustenance providers than men due their sources being progressively copious, though chasing can’t be ensured (Dingle, 1988 p. 13). Native individuals made exchange courses the nation over and traded nourishment, shells and psycho-dynamic medications, for example, Pituri. People would not venture to every part of the whole separation, they would meet at waterholes, where trades would be made and after that arrival to their Nation. Asset the executives is basic to the supportability of the Aboriginal culture. Occasional schedules sway the systems used to guarantee successful techniques were used, including chasing creatures at the season they are at their fattest along these lines giving most extreme sustenance. Guaranteeing creatures weren’t chased during rearing season or conveying their young was another asset the board system utilized. (Anon, 2015) References, (2015) DustEchoes. (on the web) Available at:, (March 11, 2015) Anon, (2015). first ed. [ebook] Available at: (Accessed 15 Mar, 2015). Australian National University. (2011). Bill Gammage examines ‘The Biggest Estate on Earth’, (March 9, 2015). Bani, E. (2004). Torres News, the voice of the islands: What is a totem? In R. Davis (ED.), Woven accounts, moving lives: Torres Strait Islander personality, culture and history (pp.151). Acton A.C.T: AIATSIS. Clarke, P. (2003). Where the progenitors strolled: Australia as an Aboriginal scene. Sydney: Allen and Urwin. Dingle, T. (1988). Native economy and society: Patterns of involvement. Melbourne: McPhee Gribble and Penguin Books. Edwards, B. (1998). Living the imagining. In C. Bourke, E. Bourke, and B. Edwards (Eds.), Aboriginal Australia: a basic peruser in Aboriginal investigations (second ed.) (pp.77-99). St Lucia, QLD: University of Queensland Press. Goodall, H. (1996). Intrusion to government office. St Leonards: Allen and Unwin MacDonald, G. (1998). Coherencies of Wiradjuri convention. In W.H. Edwards (ED.), Traditional Aboriginal society: A starting peruser in Aboriginal examinations (second ed.) (pp. 297-312). South Melbourne: MacMillan. College of Sydney. (2002-15). The connection module. relationship module/(March 10, 2015). Cant recollect whether I utilized this one Native workmanship and culture focus â Alice Springs>
‘Indigenous Australian Cultures’ The Dreaming The English language has no precise word or expression that portrays The Dreaming and each Indigenous Australian language gatherings has its very own term to allude to this age. In Western Australia Ngarinyin individuals allude to it as Ungud, the Central Australian Aranda individuals as Aldjerinya, the Pitjantjara of north-west South Australia as Tjukurpa, while in the Broome locale it is Bugari. While the English word proposes dreams or dubious memories of this present reality the Indigenous Australian interpretation consider’s The To be as inalienable reality (Edwards, 1998). The Dreaming is the manner by which Aboriginal individuals clarify how their reality became. Clarke (2003, p.16) recommends culture and way of life in conventional Aboriginal culture are formed by their qualities, convictions and the connection between Indigenous Australians and each element of scene and living animal. The profound creatures that component in The Dreaming records are the otherworldly Ancestors of the present day Aboriginal people group and keep on impacting the convictions and estimations of Aboriginal Australians (Clarke, 2003, p. 16). The Dreaming recounts the making of land, trees, plants, rocks, waterholes, waterways, mountain, stars and creatures and the voyages the Aboriginal Ancestors voyaged. The spirits of these Ancestors whom frequently looked like individuals or potentially creatures keep on possessing these highlights of the present reality. The two results and disciplines are portrayed in The Dreaming and structure life exercises that are shared all through ages. For instance the Dhuwa shares The Dreaming of a seeker who steals a young lady and traps her in a cavern with him. While he rests she changes into a butterfly and escapes. In his outrage he changes into a bat and is caught in the jail he made everlastingly (, 2015) Connection For Aboriginal Australian’s connection is more than family hereditary qualities or blood ties. Connection is an intricate framework based around social association, which blueprints obligations inside Nations, tribes and family gatherings. (College of Sydney, 2005-15)Kinship and family are particularly essential to Indigenous Australians. As it guides duties to their ‘family’ and condition. Family relationship is so overwhelming for the Wiradjuri individuals they talk about kinfolk as their ‘entire world’ (MacDonald, 1998 p. 303). Connection in the numerous Aboriginal Nations shares basic parts just as contrasts. The widely inclusive frameworks have been passed on through ages from Ancestors of The Dreaming and depend on equal activities, for example, giving of benefits as a byproduct of comparative benefits. Rights and commitments are dictated by a person’s family, and such impacts incorporate who you may wed, share nourishment and assets with, who will take care of an individual and who may instruct them. Family relationship frameworks comprise of Moiety, Totems and skin names. Moiety is a type of social association signifying ‘two parts’. Every individual is alloted a moiety bunch from either the matrilineal (mother) or patrilineal (father’s) line. Moiety administers where accomplices are browsed. For instance a marriage accomplice must originate from the contrary moiety. Every country has their own names for every 50% of moiety. Arnhem Nation allude to it as Dhuwa and Yirrity while Wiradjuri as Dilbi and Kuputhin. Every individual has a place with a totem dependant on when they were imagined. Native totems can be creatures or plants, they hold uncommon importance to a gathering of people (Bani, 2004). They are loaded up with the soul of their predecessors. People become the generational overseers of their specific sacrosanct spots, services and imagining stories. An individual has four totems that speak to Nation, Clan, family and an individual totem that perceives their qualities and shortcomings, this totem possibly given during childbirth or further down the road (University of Sydney, 2005-15). Financial association Goodall (1996, p. 2) has recommended Indigenous Australians have been rehearsing supportable land and financial administration for a great many years. Some time before European settlement Aboriginal Australians “have utilized strategies to expand the numbers and development of plants and creatures”. Clearing trees and making prairies for brushing while at the same time keeping up patches of timberland for sanctuary are instances of these methods (Australian National University, 2011). While The Dreaming and family relationship association portray Aboriginal men as seekers, and ladies gatherers, Women are more solid sustenance providers than men due their sources being progressively copious, though chasing can’t be ensured (Dingle, 1988 p. 13). Native individuals made exchange courses the nation over and traded nourishment, shells and psycho-dynamic medications, for example, Pituri. People would not venture to every part of the whole separation, they would meet at waterholes, where trades would be made and after that arrival to their Nation. Asset the executives is basic to the supportability of the Aboriginal culture. Occasional schedules sway the systems used to guarantee successful techniques were used, including chasing creatures at the season they are at their fattest along these lines giving most extreme sustenance. Guaranteeing creatures weren’t chased during rearing season or conveying their young was another asset the board system utilized. (Anon, 2015) References, (2015) DustEchoes. (on the web) Available at:, (March 11, 2015) Anon, (2015). first ed. [ebook] Available at: (Accessed 15 Mar, 2015). Australian National University. (2011). Bill Gammage examines ‘The Biggest Estate on Earth’, (March 9, 2015). Bani, E. (2004). Torres News, the voice of the islands: What is a totem? In R. Davis (ED.), Woven accounts, moving lives: Torres Strait Islander personality, culture and history (pp.151). Acton A.C.T: AIATSIS. Clarke, P. (2003). Where the progenitors strolled: Australia as an Aboriginal scene. Sydney: Allen and Urwin. Dingle, T. (1988). Native economy and society: Patterns of involvement. Melbourne: McPhee Gribble and Penguin Books. Edwards, B. (1998). Living the imagining. In C. Bourke, E. Bourke, and B. Edwards (Eds.), Aboriginal Australia: a basic peruser in Aboriginal investigations (second ed.) (pp.77-99). St Lucia, QLD: University of Queensland Press. Goodall, H. (1996). Intrusion to government office. St Leonards: Allen and Unwin MacDonald, G. (1998). Coherencies of Wiradjuri convention. In W.H. Edwards (ED.), Traditional Aboriginal society: A starting peruser in Aboriginal examinations (second ed.) (pp. 297-312). South Melbourne: MacMillan. College of Sydney. (2002-15). The connection module. relationship module/(March 10, 2015). Cant recollect whether I utilized this one Native workmanship and culture focus â Alice Springs>