We can work on Artifact from popular culture

I. Identify an artifact from popular culture that you would like to analyze using the concepts you have learned throughout the course. The artifact can be taken from any type of media found in popular culture: a scene from a movie, an episode of a show, an art piece, a song, a play, a musical, an Internet meme, a website, etc. Choose something that is meaningful to you. II. Watch, listen, or otherwise engage with the media and reflect on the significance the concepts you have learned throughout this course has on your understanding of the artifact. III. Begin to think about and write your paper.
A. First, describe and summarize the relevant aspects of the scene, situation, or elements from the artifact you are analyzing. Assume I have never seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted the artifact you are analyzing. Describe the important features, with sufficient detail, so that I may have a clear understanding. Do not bring the ideas from the course into this part. This part should purely describe the relevant components of the artifact. This part should not be the longest part of the paper. Make it brief. B. Next, analyze the artifact using the various concepts you have learned throughout the course. It is important to accurately use the various concepts from the course. Do not present distorted or ill-conceived ideas during your analysis. Explain every concept you are using. Assume I have never heard of, or thought about the various concepts you use. Explain the concept and how the concept explains, clarifies, or is drastically different from the presentation in the artifact. That is. use the concepts to analyze the artifact in meaningful ways. It might be useful to bring in multiple concepts to help clarify and distinguish the intricacies of the artifact. For instance. it might be important to explain how something is (or is not) operating with a deontological ethic and compare that with how it is (or is not) operating with a utilitarian ethic or a virtue ethic or an ethic of care. This section might take several paragraphs. C. Use a paragraph to write a summary of your paper. Explain what you did, how you did it, and where the journey took you. This will be your conclusion. It should summarize and bring closure to the paper that is unfolding for your reader. D. Go back to the beginning of the paper to write an introduction to your paper. Explain what you are going to do (really what you already did) and how you are going to do it. The introduction should be written last and should prepare your reader for the journey that is about to unfold.

Sample Solution

Conceptual: this postulation gives a conceivable knowledge into Gulliver’s Travels by breaking down Jonathan Swift’s parodies as opposed to understanding it as a kids’ book. Swiftian parodies about mankind in the four books are without limit. The entire novel resembles a mirror by which human imperfections are reflected. It likely would long have been overlooked if the book did not convey basic contemplating humankind. An examination of Satires in Gulliver’s Travels I. Presentation 1.1 About Jonathan Swift As the best humorist in the English language, Jonathan Swift was both appreciated and dreaded time permitting for the intensity of his composition and colossally compelling on scholars who tailed him. At fourteen years old, Swift entered Trinity College in Dublin University, where he remained for a long time. After graduation in 1688, he went to England to fill in as a secretary and individual help for Sir William Temple. In 1694, he was appointed as a minister in the congregation of Ireland (Anglican Church) and allocated as vicar (area cleric) of Kilroot, a chruch close Belfast (in Northern Ireland). In 1692, Swift got a M.A. from Oxford. He came back to working with Temple in1696. In the interim, he kept chipping away at parodies which manage political and religious debasements encompassing him. A story of a Tub and A Battle of the Books are two of them formed during this time. He additionally composed bunches of political flyers for the Whig party. At the point when Temple passed on in 1699, he came back to Ireland, getting to be Chaplain to master Berkley. In 1702, he got a D.D. (Specialist of Divinity) from Dublin University. After a couple of contentions with the Whig party, he joined the more preservationist Tory party in 1710. Tragically for Swift, the Tory government dropped out of intensity in 1714. Prior to the fall of Troy government, Swift trusted his administrations would be remunerated with a congregation arrangement in England. In any case, the best position he was “compensated” was the Deanery of St. Partrick’s, Dublin. Once more, he came back to Ireland. During his stay in Dublin, some critical works were made: Proposal for Universal Use of Irish Manufacture (1720), Drapier’s Letters (1724), A Modest Proposal (1729). His works earned him status of a loyalist. Likewise during a similar period, he started to compose the showstopper Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, also called Gulliver’s Travels. A great part of the material mirrors his political encounters of the former decade. Clench hand distributed in November 1726, it was a quick sensation. A sum of four printings were masterminded from Nov. 1726 to mid 1727. 1.2 About Gulliver’s Travels Gulliver’s Travels is viewed as Swift’s artful culmination. It is a novel in four sections describing Gulliver’s four voyages to anecdotal intriguing grounds. His movements is first among modest individuals the Lilliputians, at that point among colossal monsters individuals of Brobdingnag, at that point among romantics and visionaries lastly among ponies. Each book has an alternate topic, however their normal characteristic is to collapse human instinct. Gulliver had a wreck and boarded a paddle boat with six other crew members to get away. Before long the skiff inverted. Gulliver figured out how to swim on shore. He fell into rest. When he woke up he ended up bound by various modest strings. Some minute individuals walked on his body. Some other individuals furnished with bows and bolts remain by around him. They are prepared to bargain Gulliver with savagery in the event that he assaults. By and large, they are accommodating. Gulliver eats more than one thousand Lilliputians join could and they feed him regardless of the danger of starvation. He is exhibited to the ruler and is fulfilled by the consideration of the eminence. Inevitably, Lilliputians exploit Gulliver’s quality and monstrosity to battle against individuals of Blefuscu. The two groups contradict each other in that they have contrast approaches to split eggs. Be that as it may, things change when Gulliver is indicted for injustice for peeing on the castle to spare the head’s significant other from a flame. He is sentenced to be shot in the eyes and starved to death. Gulliver breaks to Blefuscu, where he finds and fixes a messed up vessel and heads out for England. In the wake of remaining in England with his family for two months, he heads out once more. The voyage takes him to a place that is known for goliaths Brobdingnag. A field specialist discovers him and takes him home. At first, the field specialist regards him as a pet. In the long run, he offers Gulliver to the ruler who makes him a dignified preoccupation and is engaged by his melodic abilities. Gulliver’s life now is simpler yet at the same time isn’t agreeable. He is frequently shocked by the physicality of the Brobdingnagians, whose standard imperfections are ordinarily amplified by their tremendous size. He is appalled by their skin pores. He is frequently startled by the creatures that jeopardize his life. There is once when he awakens on the bed of the rancher’s significant other and is assaulted by two rodents. Indeed, even Brobdingnagian creepy crawlies leave disgusting trails on his sustenance that makes eating upsetting. On an excursion to the outskirts, the confine Gulliver is in culled up by a hawk and dropped into the ocean. He effectively leaves Brobdingnag. Gulliver embraces next voyage subsequent to remaining at home in England for just ten days. The ship experienced assaults by privateers and Gulliver winds up in Laputa. The gliding island is occupied by theoreticians and scholastics administering the land beneath, called Balnibarbi. The logical research did in Laputa and in Balnibarbi appears to be totally pointless and unreasonable, and its occupants also show up absolutely withdrawn from the real world. Traveling to Glubbdubdrib, Gulliver can observer the conjuring up of figures from history, for example, Julius Caesar and other military pioneers. Subsequent to visiting the Luggnaggians and the Struldbrugs, the last of which are decrepit immortals who demonstrate that age does not bring astuteness, he can sail to Japan and from that point back to England. Gulliver remains for five months in England however then leaves his pregnant spouse to head out as a chief. A large number of his crew members kick the bucket of sickness, so he enlist more en route. His crewmembers uprising affected by the new mariners to progress toward becoming privateers. They lock him in a lodge. After a long imprisonment, he touches base in an obscure land. The judicious reasoning ponies, Houyhnhnms and humanlike animals, Yahoos live in the land. The brutish Yahoos serve the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver again attempts to become familiar with their language to portray his undertakings to them and clarify things in England. He is treated with incredible cordiality and thoughtfulness by the steeds and is edified by their honorable culture and levelheaded reasoning. Without precedent for his voyages, he doesn’t long for leave to return to mankind. He needs to remain with the Houyhnhnms, yet his uncovered body uncovers to the steeds that he is especially similar to a Yahoo. Thusly, he is ousted. He is hesitant to leave yet concurs. He constructs a kayak and advances toward an adjacent island. He initially chooses to live there with the savages there instead of come back to live with English Yahoos. He was harmed by an islander and got by a Portuguese ship commander who treats him affably. In any case, Gulliver can’t resist regarding him and all human as Yahoolike. In the wake of returning home, Gulliver purchases two steeds and chats with them consistently for four hours. 2. Parodies in Gulliver’s Travels Gulliver’s Travels reflects clashes in British society in the mid eighteenth century. By portraying Gulliver’s experiences in Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, and Houyhnhnm, the novel uncovers and censures sins and debasement of British decision class and their savage misuse towards individuals of Britain and neighboring nations in the capital-gathering time of British history. Gulliver is dealt with diversely in various nations. The writer portrays each circumstance at incredible length, which makes perusers have a craving for encountering them by and by. The enormity of the work lies in the creator’s capable utilization of bitting and significant parodies. Quick makes humorous impacts to the fullest by utilizing methods of incongruity, difference, and imagery. The story depends on then British social reality. He not just caricaturizes on then British governmental issues and religion, yet in addition, in a more profound aspect, on human instinct itself. Quick’s sublime rendering of parodies drives Gulliver’s Travels to turning into an achievement gazed upward to by future artistic people in sarcastic writing. There are at any rate three sorts of humorous system displayed in Gulliver’s Travels: verbal incongruity, situational incongruity and sensational incongruity. To start with, verbal incongruity means utilizing words in a contrary way. The genuine inferred importance is contrary to the exacting significance of the lines in verbal incongruity. As such, it utilizes positive, commendatory words to depict clearly revolting and repulsive issues so as to express the creator’s hatred and revultion. The book conveys verbal incongruity from the earliest starting point as far as possible of the story. Second, situational incongruity happens when there are clashes among characters and circumstance, or logical inconsistency between perusers’ desire and genuine results of an occasion, or deviation between close to home undertakings and target realities. In Gulliver’s Travels, the plot advancement is regularly something contrary to what perusers anticipate. Third, emotional incongruity is when words and activities have a centrality that the audience or group of spectators sees, however the speaker or character does not. Quick likewise uses differentiate as an explanatory gadget to build humorous impacts. So as to achieve the reason for parody, he assembles conflicting subjects to depict and think about. There are in any event three apparent sets of differentiating subjects. First is Gulliver and Lilliputians. They contrast immensely in figures and in characters. The stature of Gulliver’s body surpasses Lilliputians’ in the extent of twelve to one. As to character contrasts, Gulliver is benevolent hearted and thankful with a feeling of equity, while Lilliputians are increasingly sly. They need to m>

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