We can work on “Open Casket” by artist Dana Schultz

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Based on the 3 articles on the controversy surrounding the artwork “Open Casket” by artist Dana Schultz, write an essay
that addresses the following:

Describe the work at the center of the controversy. What was the subject? What was the artist’s intention? Give important
details as if you were describing this to someone unfamiliar with the story.

Describe the problem or central issues of the controversy giving both the “pro” and “con® arguments for the justification or
condemnation of the artwork and what the museum’s role should be. See if you can draw any connections to examples
from the textbook readings Chapter 10, Pages 279 – 292.

Give your own thoughts and opinions on the controversy. What is your opinion on this particular question of ethics. Are
there instances in which art should be destroyed or banned, and if so for what reasons? What is the responsibility of
museums in curating work? It is also ok to express feelings of conflict. You need not have all the answers, but you should
have well-reasoned thoughts. |

  1. What did you learn about yourself through this experience, including both your strengths and weaknesses? Give me examples of specific moments you became aware of a strength or weakness and how you want to capitalize on a strength or improve a weakness in the future.
  2. List and explain key terms you learned as a part of your internship experience. Tell me what these terms mean and how you learned them as well as why they are important for someone to know going into this career.
  3. How did the internship prepare you for the next step on your career path?
    a. Did your career plans change as a result of the internship?
    b. If so, in what way/s?

In an appendix to your paper, include copies of any materials which you developed or had a role in developing and/or provide a list of special projects you were assigned. Appendix does not count toward your 6-7 pages.

Sample Solution

n small before it became small. Moreover, if things only became smaller, and not larger, eventually everything would be miniscule. And if it was the other way around, where everything only became larger, and not smaller, everything would eventually be one thing, because everything would have joined together. If this were the case then we would notice that things only become smaller, shorter, or uglier, and never their opposites, or vice versa. Socrates shows that things do transition from two opposites, by referencing to observable examples. He contrasts this to death, and claims that there has to be a cycle of becoming alive and becoming dead, or else everything would become dead, or vice versa. The analogies that Socrates uses are applicable to every corporeal thing in the universe. Everything is either large or small, tall or short, etcetera. He claims that there is a process of becoming from its opposite (e.g. something becoming larger from being small), and that this process is cyclical. For if everythi>

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