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Many people join trade unions because of the assurance and insurance they offer to the well-being of the working environment. Using the mainstream economic school of thought, it is easy to understand why many workers choose to join unions. In as much as it has a negative connotation about the role of trade unions in an economy, the school of thought supports the views of workers and the quest for economic justice. The view of the school of thought, especially about labor relations is the ultimate reason why workers join unions (“Labor Relation Theories: Schools of thought and unions,” n.d.). Unions offer a voice in bargaining. This is the sole reason why workers join trade unions; to get their voice heard. The school of thought posits that unions make individual voices more pluralistic when striking a bargain.

The Communication Workers of America (CWA) is a perfect example of a union that voices the work of individual voices. It has incorporated workers from various fields and covered their best interests. According to the sitemap, the union is strictly governed by democratically elected leaders and regional balance (“Democracy in Our Ranks | Communications Workers of America,” 2017). The austerity of the rules about governance and leadership in the union portrays how effective the union can be in making the workers enjoy a better environment. To depict the importance of caring for the workers, other institutions mirror the work of trade unions. The American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is one such organization that strives to see the wellbeing of workers across the country (“About Us | AFL-CIO,” n.d). The unions work closely with the members than such an organization would, and thus workers still find it necessary to belong to a trade union. Workers often feel well represented by trade unions because of the benefits they reap from unionized bargains. Ideally, even if unions do not call for strikes, they pressure employers to sign better contracts and Collective Bargaining Agreements for the workers.




















About Us | AFL-CIO. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://aflcio.org/about-us

Democracy in Our Ranks | Communications Workers of America. (2017, September 21). Retrieved from https://www.cwa-union.org/about/democracy-in-our-ranks

Labor Relation Theories: Schools of thought and unions. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://brainmass.com/business/labour-management-and-relations/labor-relation-theories-schools-of-thought-and-unions-595259


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