We can work on Security Management

 Security Management

Assignment Objectives


Articulate why compliance with security policies, standards and


procedures are necessary to preserve the integrity of a secure system.


Demonstrate the role and importance of Security Awareness and Security


Training in the operation and administration of an enterprise level


security system.


Assignment details.


Key Assignment


You will submit the Key Assignment Final Draft. In addition, a summary


of 3–5 pages for the Security Training module section of the


Comprehensive Security Management Plan will be included as the final




The final step in developing the Comprehensive Security Management


Plan is to define a training module. Begin by defining all roles


(management, developers, administrators, clerical, etc.) that have


security training and awareness needs. Then, suggest a list of courses


and workshops. With the list of roles and list of courses and


workshops, create a cross-reference in the form of a matrix that


includes all of the training needs. In 3–5 pages for the training


module, include the list of roles, courses with detailed information,


and the training matrix.

The project deliverables are the following:

Update the Comprehensive Security Management Plan title page with new date.


Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor’s and


your peers’ feedback.


Use the subheading “The Training Module.”


Define a training module.

Include a list of roles (developers, administrators, clerical, etc.).

Include a list of courses and workshops.


Include a cross-reference matrix of training.


Finalize the Comprehensive Security Management Plan.


Review the entire document for any changes and improvements to be made.


Ensure that this final version of the plan is sufficiently detailed to


allow the organization to confidently move forward with the


implementation of the Comprehensive Security Management Plan based on




Any previous feedback should be addressed with appropriate changes.

Be sure to update the table of contents before submission.

Name the document “yourname_CS654_IP5.doc.”

Part 1 Tasks (Objectives from Weeks 1–4)

This course has been comprised of a series of Individual Project

assignments that have contributed to a Key Assignment submission at

the end of the course. Each week, you have completed a part of a

Comprehensive Security Management Plan. The Key Assignment should

include the following tasks:

Week 1: Security Working Group (WG)

Discussion of the enterprise security management responsibilities

implemented as a service with contributions from roles throughout the

enterprise using the WG model applied to the project

A definition of roles and responsibilities for management of security

using the WG model applied to the project

An understanding of communication flows with the WG model with

application to the project

Week 2: Needs Assessment

Description of existing organization and what it already has in place

for a security architecture

Week 3: Security Policy Content and Risk

An overview of the content that should exist in security policy,

security standards, security procedures, other related security


Week 4: Security Models and Design Principles

Key Assignment First Draft for peer review

Relate security design principles to their proposed system changes

Part 2 Tasks (Objective from Week 5):

Week 5: Security Training

Submit the Key Assignment Final Draft.

Analyze previous submissions, and make changes as necessary to the

final paper to be prepared this week.

Continue development of the Comprehensive Security Management Plan

with a training module for explaining the roles and security training

and behavioral needs for each. 


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