We can work on What is the good dissertation writing style

The final step to the degree program is to write your dissertation by conducting an independent research on any selected topic. The quality of the dissertation will determine how much good marks you will earn. Dissertation needs sufficient amount of time and exact planning for its completion in good manner. So you have to prepare yourself better before writing the dissertation for your final semester. This blog is focused on telling you what is the good dissertation writing style. 
You have to write in best quality and better way. Your writing style should be very illustrative and attractive. Your readers will be convinced by the simplicity of your writing style and the best ideas conveyed in your dissertation. Therefore, you have to be on the right track in writing the dissertation. This can be done by finding the best dissertation writing style which is the focus of this blog to help you understand how to master the dissertation writing style.

Finding the best dissertation writing style

The best way to find a good dissertation writing style is to find and see the previous dissertations submitted by other students. Obviously, a dissertation is approved only once it has met all the academic standards so following the dissertation writing style of any approved dissertation will be a sign that your dissertation will also be approved if you justify your research and the topic.
Read as much books as you can and collect examples or some stories of other writers. See how these writers used the writing techniques for convincing the reader about their stated argument. You can also use these techniques in your writing style for convincing your own reader.
Sub-headings are very useful for presenting the main ideas separately and distinctly. These will give the reader an idea of where you have reached. Provide a brief overview on each draft by squeezing these sub-headings. Avoid the repetition of the words or paragraphs. See if the words or phrases are repeated anywhere. Change these phrases with new phrases.

Structuring sentences

Distinguish all the main ideas by writing them in different paragraphs giving separate sentences. This will give full weight to your main ideas. The most common mistake which students commit is that they write long sentences by thinking these will give cleverer meaning. This is totally wrong. So it is harder to understand a sentence having many words in it. Therefore, write small and relevant sentences which make sense to the reader.

Acknowledging ideas

Besides writing your own original thoughts and ideas you have to acknowledge other writers ideas also. These should be referring to topic. You have to critically evaluate these ideas and identify problems which are yet remained unexplored. The others work can also be used as evidence for your own work. You have to make a sure footnote to signpost clearly to the reader from original source.

Perfect your bibliography

Check with your tutor what is expected in the bibliography. Then make sure a number of references to the books, articles, and sources you have used during your research work. Sources are of two type, primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are non-academic material such as newspaper, interviews, timetables, or statistics. Secondary sources are academic such as articles, books, and dissertations. There is a number of different referencing styles. You have to visit your department for getting information about the style of your bibliography.

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