Talk about an instance when you were saving money for something. Please say
– What did you save for?
– How did you do it?
– How long did you have to save money for?
I love using smartphones and I recently purchased an I Phone X. To purchase this phenomenal device, I have been saving money for more than a year.
I’m working as a junior teacher in a famous school and my salary is inadequate to purchase a high-end smartphone. Consequently, I had to resort to saving money every month so that I could accumulate the Canadian Dollars 1400. The process of saving this money was not easy. I had to reduce my expenses in all areas. Earlier, I used to travel to a retreat with my friends every weekend. It involved expenses in traveling, lodging and eating. I gave up this idea. Moreover, I preferred traveling by bus instead of a taxi to my school every day. This also helped save a couple of bucks. Also, I ate home cooked food only and avoided spending in restaurants every Saturday. Finally, I refused to purchase new clothes and shoes during this period. These little efforts played a major role in saving the money for this truly remarkable phone.
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