Essay on Labor Economics assignment 1

Labor Economics assignment 1

Tosh |

March 16, 2018

Overall Requirements:

1. The assignment is worth 15% of your final grade.

2. Your assignment must be in your own words. As noted in the course outline, plagiarism is a serious academic offence. If you are found guilty of plagiarism, the maximum allowable sanctions will be brought to bear against you.

3. Due Date: March 18 by the end of class. Assignments must be submitted in hard copy. There is an assignment drop box for this class located outside the Economics department office.

Guidelines :

1. Your assignment must be presented in prose form.

2. Style does count. If I cannot understand what you are trying to communicate to me, I cannot accurately assess how well you understand the material.

Instructions: Please select from one question from part A and one question from part B .

Part A

Answer one question from the topics below. Answers should not exceed two typewritten pages. For each topic, you must first provide a theoretical description of both the problem and your solution (i.e., use diagrams to explain the problem and your solution). You must choose one of the following topics. This question is worth 1/3 of the total assignment grade or 5% of your total final grade.

1. You have decided to do a Masters degree despite deriving absolutely no utility from the material you study in your classes. Why? Given the changing nature of the labour market with respect to the number of jobs you may reasonably expect to have over your working life, do you think getting that one more degree will mean you don’t have to undertake any more formal education? Why or why not?

2. Women still make less than men when all differences in education, experience and job similarities are accounted for. Has the wage gap changed over time? How would you go about closing the wage gap?

3. There is a union certification drive on at your highly dangerous and risky job which is at the only major employer in town. You are in rural BC; flights out are infrequent and the highway is sometimes closed in winter. Are you in favour of forming a union? Why or why not? Which factor is more important to you in your opinion, the degree of danger or the location of your job.

Part B. Please answer one of the following three questions. Part B is worth 2/3 of this assignment or 10%of your final grade. Answers should be roughly five typewritten pages and should include graphs as appropriate.

1. Provide an analysis of the labour market implications of either the latest provincial (BC) or federal budget. Overall, do you think that the budget you chose has positive or negative labour market impacts. Why?

2. Suppose Canada is not successful in renegotiating NAFTA. What are the implications for the Canadian labour market? Will the effects be uniformly distributed across the country?

3. Canada’s immigration policy allows for a mix of humanitarian and economic immigrants as well as family reunification. Should the balance between humanitarian and economic migrants be adjusted? Why? Does American immigration policy have positive or negative implications for Canada? Why?

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