Writing Prompt: Describe the ETHICS CASE “Suspected Child Abuse” in clinical ethics.
Order Description
Guide to the Final Paper: Ethical Analysis of a Groundbreaking Case Ethics in Healthcare
Writing Prompt: Describe the ETHICS CASE “Suspected Child Abuse” in clinical ethics.
• http://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/2007/11/ccas3-0711.html
• http://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/2007/11/pdf/ccas3-0711.pdf
Format: Use the format of a persuasive essay. Use logic and reason to support your arguments.
• Clearly communicate the analysis of the ethical issues in an assigned case.
• Analyze an ethical dilemma presented in an assigned case from an assigned case.
• Utilize the decision-framework described in the required text.
• Use references from the assigned reading to support points made in your paper.
Details of Steps
A. Research your options; select several topics of interest
B. Develop evidence: Select reliable resources
C. Topic selection: Select the one case you will analyze
D. Develop a thesis; a good thesis statement:
• Expresses the significance of the subject
• Supports a disputable claim that has more than one justifiable position
• Is a single, assertive statement in the first paragraph of the paper
See http://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/thesis-statements
E. Submit thesis, evidence, outline and case chosen by start of class on week 2
Reasons to produce an outline: shows the logical ordering of information, organizes substantial amounts of information, demonstrates relationships between ideas and
ensures logical flow of the entire paper
Instructions for written work
• Double spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point, Times New Roman
• No more than 5 pages
• Please print on just one side of the page
• Title underlined, no header or footer, name in the top right corner of the first page
• Page number in the bottom right of all pages
• References attached as an additional last page, single spaced; evidence should also be included in the body of the paper as relevant quotations that are
appropriately cited; quotations should be less than 10% of your paper.
• References: Proper citations are required. References should be cited using the APA style guidelines (American Psychological Association). These tools may be
helpful: The Purdue Owl https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl and Zotero (available on the library website under “Research Guides”)
Writing Prompt: Describe the ETHICS CASE “Suspected Child Abuse” in clinical ethics.
Think through each of the four pillars of medical ethics
1. Non-Maleficence
2. Beneficence
3. Autonomy
4. Justice
• Include a “hook” that names the case
• Lay the ground work for the whole paper; provide the background on the topic
• State the significance of the main issue in the case (e.g.: number of patients in situation, burden on healthcare system).
• Identify case precedents that are relevant if they exist.
• Describe the historical context of the issue and how it is changing; historical context refers to the place in history for the issue in the case. For example, over
the last several decades, how artificial fluids and nutrition (AF&N) is considered in a case has changed: previously, it was assumed to be a necessity for all patients
whereas recent cases have set a precedent that AF&N are a medical treatment that can be selected or foregone.
• Include the thesis statement
The ethical dilemma in the case
• Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which principles are in conflict?
• Use the “four topics approach” in your analysis.
Think through each of the four pillars of medical ethics
1. Non-Maleficence
2. Beneficence
3. Autonomy
4. Justice
• The stakeholders: Name the individuals and institutions with a stake in the situation and describe what those stakes are and how important they are. (“Stake” refers
to individuals and institutions an investment and/or interest in the case.)
• The factors involved in the case
o Name the contextual features of the case and describe their relative importance.
o Consider the approach to the whole patient; include factors such as culture, religion and spirituality, preferences, and others that are important in the case.
The different possible approaches to the case
• Define and analyze each of the values and ethical principles involved in the case.
• Consider the approach to the whole patient; include factors such as culture, religion and spirituality, preferences, and others (the “contextual” features of the
• What professional codes apply in this case? Incorporate an assessment of these (including laws, codes, duties, and others).
The possible resolutions
• Carefully analyze all choices to resolve this dilemma.
• Detail the decision-making using the framework discussed in class.
• Describe the possible consequences of the different courses of action.
• Propose changes to better address similar situations in the future (include changes to professional, governmental, or institutional codes, regulations, or policies.
Describe the final decision and its significance
• Revisit your overall purpose
• Summarize the paper’s major points without repeating the same wording
• Restate the thesis, demonstrating how you supported the thesis in the paper
• Recommend changes to better address similar situations in the future (include changes to professional, governmental, or institutional codes, regulations, or
• Do not introduce new, unrelated ideas in the conclusion
• Return to your “hook”
Writing Tips
• Effectively use the Writing Advisers and the Writing Center
o Meet the requirement of the course – then go back once or twice for more help
o The Writing Center has Writing Advisors who specialize in working with students with the additional challenge of writing in a non-native language (ESL)
• Proofread
o Use spelling and grammar check tools (e.g., Spell-check, Grammarly, or other)
o Proofread your paper; your final paper should not have even one typographical error
• Improve the flow of your writing
o Use topic sentences to introduce paragraphs
o Read your paper out loud to yourself to catch awkward sentences or sections
o Have a friend read your paper and point out areas that are unclear
• The paper is yours and represents your ideas and opinions
o There is no need to use phrases like, “In my opinion” or “I think”
• Words that should not be used
o Contractions (e.g., don’t, can’t)
o Etc., “and so on”
o Any form of “finally,” “in addition,” “also,” “in conclusion”
o Weak words such as a lot, make, very, used to, seem, think, almost, very
o Pronouns that refer to the writer (e.g., I, you, me, we, they, us) or to a person included in the writing (e.g., she, they, them)
o The word, “it” – use the find function and replace all instances of the use of “it”
? Too often, I cannot figure out what you are referring to – help me avoid guessing
o Here is a challenge: Eliminate any form of “to be” (is, are, was)
? By doing this, you are forced to use a descriptive verb
• Use the vocabulary of clinical ethics
• Support your points
o Be sure to explain your statements and how the evidence supports those
o Refer to class material, providing your interpretation
o Explain any references including how the reference connects to your point
o Refer to your thesis after providing evidence
• Citations
o Provide a citation for any idea that is not your own
? Include page numbers in your citations in the text; example: (Jones, 2008, p. 199).
o Use the APA format for your list of references; single space
• Body Paragraphs
o Start with a topic sentence: identifies the one idea that supports your thesis
o Add specific details of support
o Refer to references to support your point
o Relate all ideas back to the topic sentence
o Draw a conclusion for the paragraph that relates your thesis
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