Write my Paper on Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment

Order Description


Capital Punishment
Research the history of the issue in American politics. Get a thorough and factual understanding of the issue from all vantage points.
Compile an bibliography on that issue: 6-8 reputable sources.
2 works of contemporary art (there will be attachments) that engage the issue from opposing positions. One artwork is pro-death penalty and the other is anti-death
penalty. I am pro-death penalty, so can you make sure to write the paper from a pro-death penalty view point.
Organize a 5-6 page compare/contrast essay that explores and critiques how the artists use their work to: reflect on the issue; agitate the viewer; and/or motivate
social change.
Paper details:
5-6 pgs.
12-pt Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, double-spaced
images need to be included


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