Write my Paper on Organizational Motivation

Organizational Motivation

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How do leaders and managers in your organization motivate employees? What about at the organizational level? Is there a rewards or awards system?

This Phase’s (week’s) assignment will focus on the various methods used to motivate employees in your organization, whether by individual managers and/or leaders, or
through organizational systems. Your paper should outline some of the various ways that healthcare employees are motivated and explicitly relate them to specific
models or theories of motivation.

Most importantly, critique how employee motivation is manifested in your organization and link the motivation tactics being used to specific models or theories of
motivation. Analyze the tactics or motivation efforts based on motivation models. Are the techniques appropriate? Are managers and leaders getting the desired results?
How do you know? You may even consider asking employees what motivates them.

Critique a MINIMUM of 5 motivation tactics. It is recommended that you use a variety of motivation theories or models to help critique the tactics used.

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