Social Media Platforms and Your Career
Write a 350- to 700-word summary that includes the following information OR Create a 5-10 minute video that includes the folloowg information OR Create a 5-10 slide
PowerPoint presentation with the following information 1. Describe using three different social media platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.) with the
objective of networking within your career field. 2. Use your current social media accounts, or create new ones. 3. Incorporate research regarding how to present a
professional profile on social media platforms, and 4. Discuss your experience in the paper or the video Cite at least one resource. Format your assignment according
to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. Videos • must be accompanied by a reference sheet with an APA style refernce listing for each resource you use. Put both
the video and the Reference list in your in box. • Must be in a common format that can be opened on any laptop/computer (I have a PC, not a MAC) ALL assignments should
be visually appealing (papers shold be in proper APA fomat, of course). Neatness / visual appeal will be part of your grade in place of APA on the PPT and Video
options (although your reerences should be in APA formatting to receive credit, regardless of the format tyou choose for this project)
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