Write my Paper on Green Building



Green Building

Find a green building in your community and take a tour; if you not find one locally, find one online. Identify all green features you can find. Look specifically for
items that identify green landscaping practices, water efficiency, energy efficiency, efficient material use, and waste management practices. If feasible, take photos
of the items that you think best exemplify a sustainable and high-performing building and attach them to your discussion posts as a visual aid.

essay address and identify the following as an evaluation of the building:
-Site strategies such as landscaping, stormwater management, exterior lighting, access to alternative transportation, and others
-Energy strategies such as lighting, system controls, transparent energy dashboards, metering, and others
-Water strategies such as efficient irrigation, plumbing fixtures, meters, and so on.
-Material and waste strategies such as composting, recycling, and education or use of alternative and sustainable building materials
-Indoor air quality strategies such as ample windows, shading devices, green cleaning products, operable windows, and others



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