Film analysis and Zoo report Dissertation Essay Help

Film analysis and Zoo report

Order Description

Format: Typed*; 6 pages long; double-spaced; 12-point, Times font; 1 -inch margins. Number your responses. Follow the instructions for length of each short essay
answer. DO NOT restate the questions in your paper.

Assignment : You may draw ONLY from the film, “The Last Great Ape,” the handout, “”What’s Love Got to Do With It?,” your textbook, and your direct observations at the
Zoo . Do not cite any other material .
(link to film:

What are key differences between bonobo s and chimpanzees? Include in your answer: male/female dominance, male-female relationships, aggression/peace, common
behaviors, sexuality, and social organization. What are three reasons why humans have spent more time studying chimpanzees than bonobos? (1 page)

2. What kind of interactive behaviors are common within the same group of bonobos? What types of behavior are common between different groups of bonobos? Include in
your answer: sexual relations, displays of aggression, compassion, male-female interactions, parent- child relations, and physical contact. (1 page)

3. How does the study of bonobos reveal information about the early development of humans and human behaviors? Include social behaviors and recent genetic revelations.
(0.5 page)

4. Describe bonobo social order. Include in your answer : male-female relationships, mother- offspring relationships, patterns of social status within a group, and
allocation of resources. (0.5 page)

5. Why did humans find it difficult at first to believe that bonobo societies are matriarchal (organized around female dominance)? Include in your answer: the concept
of bias. (0.25 page)

6. According to the film, when did humans branch off from apes? What percentage of our DNA do we (humans) share with bonobos? When did chimps and bonobos branch off
into different species? Why did we not study bonobos until the 1970s? (0.25 page)

7. Zoo Report Portion: Describe what types of solitary and interactive behaviors you witness during 30 minutes of continuous observation of chimpanzees at the Zoo.
Name three behaviors that you witness in BOTH the bonobos in the film and chimpanzees in-person. Name one or more behaviors that you only witness in one OR the other
(film or zoo). (2 pages) ***See the attached list of possible behaviors ***

8. Explain differences between the setting (zoo versus wild) of the bonobos you witnessed in the film and your in-person observation of chimpanzees. How might this
difference in setting affect or limit your ability to observe these primates’ behavior? (0.5 page


-Essentials of Physical Anthropology, 3rd Edition, by Clark Spencer Larsen.
W.W. Norton & Company: New York. 2015*

-What is love got to do with it article (attached pdf)

-film: “the last great ape”
link below:

-observation from zoo experience
** Number your responses. FOLLOW the instructions for LENGTH of each SECTION DON’T GO OVER OR UNDER REQUIRED RESPONSE LENGTHS **

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