evidenced based proposal for a quality improvement/change intervention to be implemented in your healthcare organizationB:be structured using an established reflective model ,critically reflect on the key learnings from “Evaluation, Measurement custom essay.

Mandatory to be specific with your initiative & you should find plenty of resources for the topic you will chose in order to support the
Using assignment template attached it’s a must to follow the bellow instruction
Part A: Quality improvement/change intervention proposal:
[3,000 words, 75% of total grade; assesses learning outcomes 1 – 4]
Prepare an evidenced based proposal for a quality improvement/change intervention to be implemented in YOUR OWN HEALTHCARE ORGANISATION using the following headings:
1. Introduction [Brief background to quality improvement/change interventions, introduction to your subject matter and the contents of your assignment (“signpost”). Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
a-General background (setting the stage, why this is an area of interest)
(why its important to healthcare organization using evidence)
b-Introduction to subject matter (more specific information on the matter being discussed\ background on organization ) (use evidence why should it improve )
c- Introduction to contents of essay (an outline of what is ahead for the reader)
Ex: the writer\author healthcare organization in acute care in GCC …..+ mandatory support with evidence + 1page
(chose a topic & search for it \why picked it ?why not others + evidence)

2. The importance of evaluation, research and measurement (EMR) [A critical, evidence-based discussion investigating the importance of evaluation, measurement and research in managing healthcare and/or quality and safety in healthcare.]
(Should include comparison\contrast\advantage \disadvantage\limitation \dependences \interdependences between EMR ex: decide as writer why you go with any idea & support it with evidence \ex: Berwick said …..but… said….however the writer thought….)\(in this topic generally talk what’s imp of EMR ,based on evidence do not focus on topic)( you can use table\diagrham.. for comparison cuz it will save word count )
3. Problem description 
[Nature and significance of the local, organisational problem – this could be meaningful disruption, failure, inadequacy, distress, confusion or other dysfunction in your organisation that adversely affects patients, staff or the system as a whole, or that prevents care from reaching its full potential. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
(what is it ? why its such a problem ?+ reference use ( can use SQUIRE 2.0 standards for quality improvement report see attach )( in this topic focus on the problem \1-2 paragraph )
4.Available knowledge 
[Summary of what is currently known about the problem, including relevant previous studies – this is a critical discussion of the evidence-base in the quality improvement/change intervention area (literature review!). Remember to identify and critique conflicting evidence and draw appropriate conclusions.]
(mandatory to use 10 best article that support topic\change + evidence)
5. Rationale and context 
[An explanation of why you have chosen the quality improvement/change intervention, why it will work and why it is both sustainable and replicable. The context is the physical, social and cultural factors that “makes” your organisation what it is (e.g. external environmental factors, organisational dynamics, team work/collaboration, resources and leadership) and your interpretation of these factors that could affect the effectiveness and generalisability of intervention. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]

6. Objectives for the proposed quality improvement/change intervention 
[How you will achieve the proposed quality improvement/change intervention – S.M.A.R.T. statements defining measurable outcomes. These can be “listed” in your assignment. Reference to the evidence- base will be useful…]
7. Study, measures and evaluation for the proposed quality improvement/change intervention 
[Approach chosen for critically analysing and assessing the impact of the quality improvement/change intervention, including your approach to ensure the outcomes will be due to the intervention. This should include the measures chosen for studying the processes and outcomes of the intervention, including the rationale for choosing them, operational definitions, validity and reliability, approach to ongoing assessment and methods to ensure the completeness and accuracy of data collected. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
8. Ethical considerations 
[Any ethical aspects of implementing and studying the proposed quality improvement/change intervention and how these will be addressed, potentially including formal ethics review and conflicts of interest. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
9. Limitations
[Factors which could limit the proposed quality improvement/change intervention’s generalisability, internal validity (confounding, bias or imprecision in design, methods, measurement or analysis) and approaches to minimise such limitations. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
10. Conclusion
[A brief summary of what has been discussed, a suggested course of action and a statement which summarizes your main point or conclusions of the arguments you have made]

Part B: Reflection:
[1,000 words, 25% of total grade; assesses learning outcomes 5]
Beginning with your prior experience and understanding, critically reflect on the key learnings you have achieved during Module 3 “Evaluation, Measurement & Research” and identify how you can apply these key learnings to your area of practice. [Your reflection must be structured using an established reflective model e.g. Gibbs Reflective Cycle and references are not mandatory] see attached file >>
Rationale of module:
Healthcare professionals need to have the skills and knowledge to assess, implement and evaluate healthcare interventions. Evaluation, measurement and research challenge healthcare professionals to develop a strong evidence-based function within the healthcare services.
Module aim:
To advance healthcare professionals’ knowledge of evaluation, measurement and research and to empower students to choose the right methods for the task at hand.
Learning outcomes:
1. Critically discuss the importance of evaluation, measurement and research in managing healthcare and/or quality and safety in healthcare.
2. Critically evaluate research reports relevant to your field of study. 
(What current knowledge in field? should be used through out whole assignment\ use reference to critical review)
3. Critique key approaches to evaluation, measurement and research (such as performance indicators, 
audit and quantitative and qualitative research methods). 
(ex: I pick audit type 1 cuz ….. & did not pick others cuz ….+evidence to support ur decision) (ex: according to smith etl…)
4. Critically discuss how to evaluate quality improvement/change in a healthcare organisation. 
(ex : the writer choose this evaluation design cuz…. & other are …)why picked this ? why not picked others with reference
5. Demonstrate an understanding of critical reflection on key concepts around evaluation, measurement and research.

Critically discuss : Look at all aspects of the issue; debate the issue, giving your reasons for and against the argument being proposed. Your opinion must be supported by authoritative evidence
Critically evaluate : Appraise, access and make a judgement, stressing strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages.

YouTube sites:
Sketchy EBM (2015), How I read a research paper
Mallon (2012), Evaluating journal articles… using CAARP
NCSU Libraries (2009), Literature reviews, an overview…
Øvretveit (2014), What does a good evaluation look like?
Sketchy EBM (2015), EBM – what is it?
Nurse Killam (2015), Ontology, epistemology, etc. in research simplified!
Øvretveit (2014), Key factors to consider when designing an evaluation
Macquarie University (2012), Writing an article critique

• Indicative Reading List:
• Core Texts:
Feeney, L. & Murphy D. (2015). A “roadmap” for healthcare quality and patient safety. Dublin/Riyadh: RCSI/CBAHI.
• Feeney, L. & Murphy D. (2014). An introduction to evidence-based practice. Dublin: RCSI.
Feeney, L. & Murphy D. (2013). A guide to understanding and using healthcare performance indicators,
• Dublin/Riyadh: RCSI/CBAHI.
Feeney, L. & Murphy D. (2013). A guide to healthcare audit management. Dublin/Riyadh: RCSI/CBAHI.
• Additional Recommended Texts:
Bryman, A. & Bell, E. (2007). Business Research Methods, 2nd Edition. UK: Oxford University Press.
• Gerrish, K. (2010). The Research Process in Nursing. Oxford: Wiley & Blackwell.
Lazenbatt, A. (2002). The Evaluation Handbook for Health Professionals. London: Routledge.
• Ovretveit, J. (1998). Evaluating Health Interventions: An Introduction to Evaluation of Health Treatments, Services, Policies and Organisational Interventions. Buckinghamshire: Open University Press.
• Articles:
Benjamin, A. (2008). Audit: how to do it in practice. BMJ, Vol 336 (7655), pages 1241-1245.
• Boynton, P.M. & Greenhalgh, T. (2004). Hands-on guide to questionnaire research; selecting, designing and developing your questionnaire. BMJ, 328, 1312-1315.
• Bryman, A. (2006). Integrating quantitative and qualitative research, how is it done? Qualitative Research, 6(1), 97-113.
• Carr, L. T. (1994). The strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research: what method for nursing? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 20, 716-721.
• Health Foundation (2015) Evaluation: What to Consider? Commonly asked questions about how to approach the evaluation of quality improvement in healthcare. UK: Health Foundation.
• Hempel, S., Shekelle, P. G., Liu, J. L., Danz, M. S., Foy, R., Lim, Y. W., & Rubenstein, L. V. (2015). Development of the Quality Improvement Minimum Quality Criteria Set (QI-MQCS): a tool for critical appraisal of quality improvement intervention publications. BMJ Qual Saf bmjqs-2014-003151Published Online First: 26 August 2015 doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2014-003151.
• Lynn, J., Baily, M. A., Bottrell, M., Jennings, B., Levine, R. J., Davidoff, F., Casarett, D. et al (2007). The ethics of using quality improvement methods in health care. Annals of Internal Medicine, 146(9), 666-673.
• Mohammed, M. A., Worthington, P., & Woodall, W. H. (2008). Plotting basic control charts: tutorial notes for healthcare practitioners. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 17(2), 137-145.
• Oermann, M. H., Turner, K., & Carman, M. (2014). Preparing quality improvement, research, and evidence based practice manuscripts, Nurs Econ,32(2), 57-69.
• Ogrinc, G., Davies, L., Goodman, D., Batalden, P., Davidoff, F. Stevens, D. (2015). SQUIRE 2.0 (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence): revised publication guidelines from a detailed consensus, BMJ Qual Saf, 0, 1-7.
• Ogrinc, G., Nelson, W. A., Adams, S. M., & O’Hara, A. E. (2012). An instrument to differentiate between clinical research and quality improvement, IRB, 35(5), 1-8.
• Øvretveit, J., & Gustafson, D. (2003). Using research to inform quality programmes, BMJ, 326(7392), 759- 61.
• Parry, G. J., Carson-Stevens, A., Luff, D. F., McPherson, M. E., Goldmann, D. A. (2013). Recommendations for evaluation of healthcare improvement initiatives. Academic Pediatrics, 13(6), 23-30.
• Portela, M. C., Pronovost, P. J., Woodcock, T., Carter, P., & Dixon-Woods, M. (2015). How to study improvement interventions: a brief overview of possible study types. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24(5), 325-336.
• Scatterfield, J.M., Spring, B., Brownson, R., C., Mullen, J., Newhouse, R. P., Walke, B., & Whitlock, E. P. (2009). Toward a transdisciplinary model of evidence-based practice. Milbank Quarterly, 87(2), 368-390.
• Solberg, L.I., Mosser, G., McDonald, S. (1997). The three faces of performance measurement: improvement, accountability and research. Jt Comm J Qual Improv, 23(3), 135-147.
• Stausmire, J. M. (2014). Quality improvement or research – deciding which road to take. Critical Care Nurse, 34(6), 58-63.
• Stillwell, S.B., Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B., M., & Williamson, K., M. (2010). Evidence base practice, step by step: Asking the clinical question: A key step in evidence based practice. American Journal of Nursing, 110(3), 58-61.
• Online Journals:
British Journal of Healthcare Management
Journal of Healthcare Management
Health Care Manager
Health Care Management Science
Health Manager
Health Services Management Research
International Journal for Quality in Healthcare
BMJ Quality and Safety
International Journal for Healthcare Quality Assurance Journal of Quality in Clinical Practice
Journal of Quality Management
Quality and Safety in Healthcare
Quality and Management in Healthcare
• Websites:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: http://www.ahrq.gov/ Better Evaluation http://betterevaluation.org/
Care Quality Commission: http://www.cqc.org.uk/
Critical Thinking Community http://www.criticalthinking.org/
• Health Foundation http://www.health.org.uk/
Health Care Informed http://www.hci.ie
Health Services Executive http://www.hse.ie
Institute of Health Improvement http://ihi.org
Massachusetts Health Data consortium: http://www.mahealthdata.org/ National Quality Forum: http://www.qualityforum.org
• NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement: http://www.institute.nhs.uk/
Quality Healthcare: http://www.qualityhealthcare.org
UK DoH, National Clinical Audit Advisory Group: http://www.hqip.org.uk/national-clinical-audit-advisory- group-ncaag/

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