Role on TV or new media advertising in Modern society
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Write a essay in 1500 – 2000 words focusing on one issue examine how trends have changed over time and why. You must specify a time period (in the last 10 years, 30 years etc.) and choose 3-5 examples from media texts within that period to support your case. Use the elements of Persuasive techniques, Visual and Semiotic analysis.
Look at the advertising as a whole and see whether you can pick out any patterns in the way certain lifestyles or viewpoints are promoted or portrayed. What is being encouraged or excluded?
Consider how the characters, storylines and other visual creative techniques work together in creating a certain message. After consuming the media text, how do you feel about the issue? Has the text influenced your opinion?
Remember to consider not just the changes in portrayal, but why these changes are happening and why at certain times.
You must support your points with detailed examples from your chosen texts
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