Identity conflict Academic Essay

” ‘I am not a depressed person’: How identity conflict affects help-seeking rates for major depressive disorder”
This is a critical appraisal essay. The essay is meant to critically appraise a qualitative article. Please find attached the article to be critically appraised and also the given guidlines on what to focus on appraising. These guidlines will also serve as marking criteria. Critical appraisal checklist programme (CASP) for qualitative papers need to be used. This can be found on line but i can attach it also. This is meant to be an essay to be resubmitted after 2 attempts, please i need it done to the requested standard. I also have the chance to give to a supervisor to go through and give feedback so that i can pass this time around. I hope the writer will be able to revise the essay for me once comments are received



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