Indeterminacy of employment relations
Provide a brief analysis of the indeterminacy of employment relations and an assessment of the factors that impact employment relations. In your analysis, briefly compare and contrast unitarian and pluralist approaches.
‘Indeterminacy of employment relations’ is a term referring to the need to turn the labour that is bought by the employer into something positive for the organization. The employer buys the ability to do work but has to turn that ability (i.e., the people) into something that makes a positive contribution to the organization. Indeterminacy refers to labor contracts that do not state the capacity of effort to contribute by the workers with the exchange of rewards (Colling & Terry 2010). Thus, employees are expected to complete the work efficiently, no matter how much work is given.
In this answer, you are going to explain the basis of employment relations. Therefore, you are going to compare unitarianism and pluralism, and you are going to give an overview of the factors that impact the employment relationship (think of the external factors we covered in our PESTLE analysis for some ideas).
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