Learning outcomes to be assessed:
a) develop a critical understanding of the boundaries of knowledge and the processes of change in accounting and finance; b)
evaluate, appraise and critique new ideas, models and concepts in accounting and finance and identify any biases and
assumptions inherent in these models and concepts;
Important points to note: a) Criticisms of the paper should be constructive in nature. Comments like “this is awful” will not lead to a
better paper (or a better grade). b) In addition to criticizing the paper, your review should point out what was good about it. c) It is
not enough to say what is wrong; you must also suggest what can be done about it. d) Look for areas that are unclear. Often the
authors will present useful information but is only lost in rhetoric or hyperbole. e) Your suggestions must be reasonable. You could
recommend further analysis or more citations, but you cannot tell them to derive everything from the topic or to perform an
exhaustive literature search. f) While critiquing the paper, consider the things that make it stronger or weaker. Look for these
strengths and weaknesses in your own writing.