Why do we need the extra or expanded capacity or service?
Where is the business going now?
From where will the new volume come?
What are the payer sources?
What are the current and projected population and demographic trends?
Refer to the Final BCA and Presentation Guideline and the Sample BCA for more information.
Your assignment will be evaluated using the BCA Component Rubric.
Note to the writer:
1- This is Description to my organization, I’m working in Medical City which is consists of four hospitals and four center. 1- Main Hospital, 2-Women’s Specialized Hospital, 3-Children’s Hospital, -4Rehabilitation Hospital
and Medical Centers which include Heart Center, Neuroscience Center, Hematology &Oncology Center and Specialized Diabetes & Endocrine Center. In addition to the hospitals there are primary care clinics, Emergency Medicine Administration and Faculty of Medicine. All these hospitals and centers consist of a total of 1,100 beds.
our Emergency medicine department which consists of 70 beds with around 300,000 visit per year. We have total of 24 attending physicians and around 50 resident in Emergency training program.
We are in big city with 5million population, which have around 35 hospitals between private and governmental hospital in the city.