Organizational misbehavior in the workplace: case study of two telecommunication companies in Somaliland
Order Description
The first paragraph should introduce the dissertation topic and grabs the attention of readers. This opening should stir interest and motivate readers to want to continue reading. three or four paragraph is enough.
Background of the study – highlight the empirical foundations of the topic
Problem Statement – statement of the Problem A clearly and concisely detailed explanation of the problem being studied.
Research objective – outline specific goals that the study plans to achieve when completed.
Research question – formulate a good research question.
Significance of the Project: Explain the importance of the project in the field of study. Discuss the new dimensions or concepts that have been presented. Emphasize the importance of the topic in its use of techniques and specify the intended effects.
Limitations of the Project: present and discuss the content or method’s limitations with regard to resources, time, and other factors.
Definition of Terms: Define any special terms
CHAPTER TWO: literature review
I think this chapter constitutes the major research effort of the project. Find materials relevant to the subject being explored, the source must be current and update
Please do the review and cite related studies and discuss their strengths and weaknesses pertaining to the purpose of the project.
Discuss the techniques or theories examined and their respective implications for the present project. Summarize the review with a synthesis of the literature identifying various approaches and themes. This section ultimately justifies the need for the project.
Cite all relevant references in the review section of thesis, dissertation, or journal article
describe the format and techniques used.
The research uses questionnaire survey of employees from 2 telecommunication companies in Somaliland.
Questionnaire design
Target population: the target population is two telecommunication companies in Somaliland (managers, technicians, Secretary) randomly selected
Sampling frame The sampling frame in this research is focus on the two telecommunication companies in Somaliland namely ( somtel and telesom )
Research frame work and hypothesis
Sample size – 190
Data analysis technique – descriptive and inferential statistics should be used to analyses the data.
RESULTS research finding, characteristics of the sample and descriptive statistics of the variable,
1- Sample size
2- Frequency and percentage of demographic variables (Gender, Age, years of service, Job status ( managers, technicians, secretaries) level of education ( high school, diploma, degree, master ).
3- Notice the number of male employee dominates the country
4- Factor analysis
Use: ? Statistical language and notations: ? Mention name of the statistic (t-test, ANOVA, Correlation, Chi-square etc) and what it was used for ? Include appropriate statistical values (coefficients, p values, standard deviations, means, etc) ? Tables, Figures, Graphs, Charts.
5- Summary of hypothesis
Discus and interpret the finding and results, then provide possible explanations
Are the results unique to Somaliland? How do they compare with other studies?
Present an overview of the previous sections and how the final project addresses issues which have been raised, Make sure the results or findings match the research questions in chapter 1