- demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of their chosen Events or Tourism subject matter, or the complex work-based context, that is the focus of their dissertation/report
- demonstrate appreciation of research philosophies, strategies and methodologies in relation to investigation of their chosen topic or work-based project
- critically evaluate academic literature, sources, arguments and interpretations, assessing their relevance to the issue in question and forming judgements on the basis of evidence collected
- appreciate relevant ethical issues in social scientific and organisational enquiry, including those influencing the design of their research/project and the dissemination and implementation of the findings from their enquiry
- design an appropriate research strategy and approach to the gathering and interpretation of data for the investigation of a relevant academic topic or aspect of workplace practice in Events or Tourism
- synthesise information from a variety of relevant sources to draw informed and well-supported conclusions
- make use of academic perspectives, as well as primary research findings, to make recommendations that may have practical application in a workplace where relevant
- make discriminating use of a range of information sources, identifying and acknowledging appropriate material that can be used to inform their own research or work-based project;
- Communicate ideas, information and arguments in a clear, organised, and well presented dissertation/project report
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