The business plan is for a social enterprise that will start an apparel brand which will produce its clothes in a Syrian refugee camp in the Middle East, providing jobs and social advantages to the
refugees. The company will promote the sold goods as a hybrid between charity and consumerism, a way to donate by buying. The writer
will have to find the best legal form to register the company in UK; outline the following: the company will not allow profit extraction by its
owners but all the money will be reinvested for its social causes, the factory will be relocated to Syria after the war. Write a marketing
research to find out if there are any similar companies. Do a marketing research to establish the target costumers (do some research on
millennials, find out other groups). Estimate the costs of the factory for 20 employees, 50 and 100. Check what type of machinery will be
needed for an apparel factory of this size. Calculate the marketing and advertising costs of the company for the first 6 months/1 year. All the
rest of a technical business plan has to be done by the writer. I have provided some papers but the writer is free to use his own business
plan models and sources. The data for the marketing research, costs etc needs to have references. http://www.businessplan.