Extra credit suggested article worksheet custom essay.


For those who would want to dive deeper into the suggested readings (and earn some extra points), below are questions that you can answer about the suggested readings. If you completing this assignment, you can earn up to an extra 1% added to your final overall course grade. Your answer to each answer should be 3-4 complete sentences long. You will be evaluated based on the rubric attached to the end of this document.

You can complete a maximum of 2 extra credit assignments. All extra credit assignments are due the Friday of the week that the suggested reading is listed on the course schedule. So that we are not overwhelmed with extra credit assignments the last two weeks of the quarter, we have staggered the extra credit due dates: The first extra credit assignment must be turned in by Friday, Feb. 5, and the second must be submitted by Friday, March 11.

Examine the Structure of the Article: Although it might vary a bit, most academic articles have a similar organizational structure. They are almost always divided into sections, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, and so on. Academic articles will also include information about when and where the article was published. Look at the structure of this academic article, and answer the following questions.

When was the article written? In what publication was it published?

What sections does the article contain? (Hint: Look at the names of headings)

Who is the intended audience for this article?

Find the Claim: Early in any academic article, the author(s) will tell you what their original contribution to the subject matter is. Their contribution may be introducing a new idea or theory, challenging an existing claim, or perhaps testing an existing theory in a new way. Below, focus on finding the claim made in this academic article.

What question does the authors pose?

What is the primary argument made by the authors?

(3) Find the Evidence: Observe the details of the argument and the evidence provided in order to assess the article’s effectiveness.

What evidence does the author offer in support of the position put forth? In other words, what type of evidence does the author use to back up his or her claim? (Identify all pieces of evidence you find.)

(4) Evaluate Effectiveness: Now that you’ve located the key components of the article, it is time to critically engage with the piece by assessing its effectiveness in conveying an argument.

What were the strengths of the article?

Was it difficult to read and understand? Why or why not?

Rubric For Evaluation

4 – Exemplary

All questions are answered completely. Student exhibits a deep understanding of the analyzed text. All answers are at least 3-4 sentences in length. Student adequately identifies the structural elements of the article. Student eloquently expresses their opinions about the article, exhibiting comprehension of the key components of the piece.

3- Proficient

All questions are answered. Student exhibits understanding with minor mistakes. Almost all answers are addressed with 3-4 sentences. Student has minor confusions about the structure of the article. Student expresses his/her opinions, albeit with minor issues.

2- Basic

Some questions are answered, but not all. Student has issues with identifying the key concepts of the article. The answers are too brief. Student expresses his/her opinion about the article with technical and conceptual errors.

1-Not demonstrated

Answers are not clear and not within the length parameters. Student does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the analyzed article.

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